
I was in a similar situations as you, but did require a D&C after the miscarriage of a wanted pregnancy. Not to get into it all, but I was traumatized afterwards and it took a while for me to trust my body again (if that makes sense.) My doctor was very caring. The last thing I would have needed was to have some

Exactly. Are they going to cremate the fucking tampons and maxi-pads that I miscarried into? Should I bury the toilet bowl full of red gunk? Stupid fucks.

Yeah. This woman is a lunatic. No one else feels joy when it comes to downtown I-45.

For a lot (not all!) of these people, marriage isn’t the finish line. Because next the competition is about the wedding, then the honeymoon, then pregnancy, followed by years of children. And a lot (not all!) of these over-sharing, appearance/competition obsessed people do not seem to have lasting marriages. Because

A proposal alone in bed is the best sort of proposal. Because you’re free to make-out and have sex immediatly afterwards. -Someone who proposed to her husband in bed

Seriously. This stunt apparently occurred on a downtown Houston freeway which is a bit of a nightmare any day of the week. I’d consider breaking some kneecaps if something this stupid affect my commute.

reflecioneternal is correct. But, also Jennifer Lawrence’s aim seems to be making sure she’s known as “awkward”, which she seems to equate with “relatable to the little guy”. So, I’d blame this on her, more than Colbert. But, then her shtick annoys the crap out of me.

Why the scoop of ice-cream? Does it lessen the stomach acid? -Someone who spent all of last week puking

Seriously, that is one of the few “What would _ Do” prints I’ve seen. Many of us would probably be much more successful, more generous, happier, fun people if we’d strive to be more like Dolly from time to time.

I’m from a smallish, very conservative, religious, and segregated Southern town in a state known for racism. While, I’d never want to live there again, I do know that there are some good, progressive people. Look and you’ll find them. Its likely that even among the progressives, many of them will be Christian (though

Good luck!!! The important thing with New Years resolutions is to acknowledge the accomplishments and to be gentle with one’s self if some of the goals aren’t met by year end. Progress is still progress! And f you need an internet buddy, sign me up. My 2015 sucked and my New Years resolutions are pretty similar to

When it comes to your example of remodeling a bathroom (even a small change) I think its fair to say my partner “let me”. That indicates that one partner agreed to/gave permission to the other partner to change and spend joint funds on a joint asset. Similarly, when it comes to leaving kids or pets alone , couples

I’m a huge nerd when it comes to all the vintage Christmas music by Bing Crosby, etc. I even get excited to hear that god awful McCartney song.

I send Holiday Greeting cards with a pic of the kids and pets (only once has it been a formal portrait) to family members. Friends and some work colleagues receive a traditional design and sincere greeting. The photo-card is almost like a small gift. These are aunts, grandparents, and great-grandparents who probably

Agree. If anything I think Black Tie Hemsworth is the least attractive (not that any of them are hideous!)

I think person of the year is a recognition of impact, rather than a celebration of all that the person stands for. To that extent, Merkel is a pretty good choice out of the pool of international candidates.


The author of this piece would disagree, but I think your expectations are fair. Its a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to raise a kid. And if you’re paying for 4 years of college (and possibly room, board, and transportation), then you’re still raising the kid, in my opinion. A once weekly phone call or answering a

I think Juniper is adorable.

I can’t believe you actually ate the food after seeing gray tea and dirty dishes! And that you tried any of the other dishes after the first disgusting fuck up. Were you high?