Watching this from so far away, it's still terrifying to think that this is justifiable action to some.
Watching this from so far away, it's still terrifying to think that this is justifiable action to some.
"A gift or a present is an item given to someone without the expectation of payment". Just as she doesn't owe her family and friends a huge and ostentatious party, none of them owe her a damn thing for getting married. Simple!
"We are in our 30s..."
And are independent adults. As such, you have the capacity to say "No" to Mum-Ra. Seriously. She'll be butthurt about it, but that's on her, not you.
It's not her wedding. It's your and your partner's wedding. If you accept money from her, she does get a bit of say, but not all of it. So, you need…
I'm imagining a scrappy art school guy spreading his wings at a performance piece. I'll imagine him reading these lines, dressed in a business suit made of 1) meat and/or clear latex. It's quite something.
Then they'd be making minimum wage, which is currently $10.25, with tips, which are taxed, on top of it. Which is a little different than making under $3 per hour. It's not really even close to the same thing.
It kind of looks like a no-MSG, -soy, -fermented foods, low-inflammation diet.
I, too, live in Vancouver. If I go to one more gathering where the keening call becomes "BUT IS EEEEEEET GLOOOOOTEN FREEEEEEEEEEE???? I DON'T EAT SUGAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!! I'M TRYING THE RAW VEGAN NOTHING FERMENTED EXCEPT FOR KOMBOOOOOOOOOOOCHA DIET!!!!", I will cry.
I think we need more male-focused tampon commercials. Why ought we gals have all the fun?
Bless them.
I'll be here. Crossing and uncrossing my legs. Tightly.
Sweet bleeding jeebuz. This. Is a sport that must catch on. In my living room. Like, now.
I don't know how it works everywhere else, but here in BC, minors are often considered capable of making their own medical decisions, and have as much right to confidentiality as adults.…
I've gotta admit that i find suctioning extremely satisfying. Especially when one gets mouse-sized clots that essentially clog the cannula.
I LOVE THAT STUFF. And the thing is, if you've gotta use a little, well, you're going to have to use a lot.
Sterile saline and sterile gauze. It works like a charm.
It smells of burnt microwave popcorn and three-day-old faeces. As opposed to pseudomonas, which smells of juicy fruit and rotten meat.
I like to roast portobello mushrooms until they've got a puddle of mushroom juice inside them, then pop them on the bbq with an egg inside, griddling until it's just... set. Served on homefries with spicy sausage and salad. SO YUM.
Also wrapped in an enigma. Then a mystery.
Did anyone actually interview Ruth? Or do any research at all? I've known her for a looong time and worked with her in a number of forums. She's one hell of an ass-kicking feminist activist here in East Van, and I'd hazard a guess that a large part of this forum- which I was intending to attend with my partner- would…
I, too, work in situations where people are often sick or damaged beyond any hope of help. Watching family members insist on all possible interventions, overwhelmingly to the detriment of the patient, is ethically agonizing- A person may bodily live another four days, or a week, or three months, but what of quality…