
They use words like prostitution and trafficking interchangeably, and they don’t recognize a categorical difference. Sex workers do—but people in power don’t seem to listen to sex workers.

I haven’t “met” him, per se, but he let me cut in line in front of him at the Whole Foods coffee bar and then just wandered off (I’ve shared this story here before). He was nice and high AF.

I dunno, social media is something I may never get. If someone writes an online article or Tweets at you criticizing your work aren’t they doing the same thing-informing your boss and the world of their low opinion and hoping the internet will pile on and bother you? It’s not like they sent him a handwritten letter

Every time I see an article about the show, I say the same thing. Then I forget and the cycle repeats itself.

Grey’s Anatomy is legitimately one of those shows I was convinced went off the air around 2010.

No one is on this tv show primarily to find love. Everyone is on this tv show primarily to be on a tv show.

Out of 78 credits I think it’s dubious to claim that’s something he’s known for. I mean, some of their picks are really stretching it (Promised Land) to just just flat out ridiculous. I mean they think his character in Contagion is a white savior??

Another Jim Cooke masterpiece

This is absurd. These people (person?) are not complaining about any specific attacks or hurtful things you’ve said to others, but rather about your literal presence here. That’s some BS of the highest order, and I’m not just going to sit quietly and listen to some anonymous coward “call you out” for existing in a

Could be, but New Orleans is a very dangerous city and always has been.

Your Elon Musk fanfic is top notch. I need to you to basically devote yourself to this full time.

Unpopular Opinion: You cannot shame or criticize victims, but I think there is room to just believe people you care about. I don’t think it’s okay for Keaton to go after Dylan Farrow, but I do think it’s okay that she believes Allen and is wrong. I also think it’s okay that Nikki Minaj never spoke out against her

There will never be anything conclusive to this sad story. They were all shitfaced drunk.

Please! She didn’t make a run for it, she jumped from a sinking ship at the last possible moment. The fact is that he did make her fashion house bigger than it would ever have been by  giving her fashions visibility they hadn’t earned on their own merit. Were actresses not beholden to Weinstein insisting on wearing

The historical driving force here may have been female purity/fragility. But I don’t think it is anymore. Because while Female purity/fragility may have been the ideal for white motherhood in the late 19th century, I think for a long time now there’s been a different ideal: That of the fearsome “mama bear.” (Retches.)

“Marchesa “has never released sales or profit numbers.””

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

Trump and the GOP’s dismantling of the ACA, resulting in the loss of Medicaid expansion, cuts more than a million people off from access to drug addiction treatment programs.

Rose McGowan was on The View today and said one of the most powerful things about rape victims in the most powerful way I’ve heard it voiced “The only perfect rape victim is a dead one and that’s a fact.” One of the reasons no one believed me or gave a shit because I wasn’t “acting” like a rape victim “should” act.

I think Lyme Disease is a way more destructive disease than people realize, and that it does cause permanent irreversible damage if not caught soon enough. I also think the type of symptoms people experience fall into the “hard to believe” category.