
Can someone ask her how Shelley Miscavige is doing?

Now that the Northern Conquest is complete we can finally get this state going on the right track. Namely, right the fuck out of dixie.

Apparently only by summoning Natalie Dormer into the form of Third Becky

Anyone who doesn’t hear Laurel must be executed at once

Yeah but Parks and Rec had what might be the best farewell season of any show in history. Would I have loved more? Sure. But goddamn if that show, that beautiful show, didn’t go out on its absolute apex.

Now I just need someone to pick up The Expanse and all will be well

You are weak, your bloodline is weak, and you will not survive the winter

The fact that she didn’t get a Golden Globe for Maeve continues to be a fucking war crime

Kiss my entire Puerto Rican ass

He can’t he has a golf course and a fake historic site right across the river

This is the goodest girl

This is the goodest boy

This is the goodest girl

This is the goodest boy

Of course it polls well, the GOP hasn’t yet launched a PR jihad to murder it in the eyes of public opinion uet

The climate says no

LOCAL media attention, is the key. Speaking as a resident of the Imperial City, sure we get name dropped in news a lot but I’d like to know what’s going on in the actual life of the city and not have to see an endless series of politics article topped by Cheeto’s malformed face.