Good god. It’s like Tyra Banks and Jenny McCarthy went into the machine from The Fly
Good god. It’s like Tyra Banks and Jenny McCarthy went into the machine from The Fly
I’d complain less except that even when you’re driving the Regalia you quickly discover you’re still basically on rails, only able to make the most sluggish of turns and having to hold a button to do a u-turn
It’s where you use warp to quickly move in for a strike, then move away to recover.
No true Christian can endorse hatred for anyone, ever.
And wasteland raider. I’m already growing my hair out in preparation for the mandatory punk mohawk
SC2k but no SC3k?
No Rise of Nations?
No one mentioned Clinton but you.
Can we please focus on the nightmare that is before us, thank you
Tronsmart car charger: you say $7, amazon says $25
Tronsmart car charger: you say $7, amazon says $25
I really missed Saw’s “what will you do if they catch you? What will you do if they break you? If you continue to fight, what will you become?” monologue. Really helped sell the darker tone.
Also sad the soundtrack used in the film ended up being so.... conventional. It was pretty unremarkable compared to the much…
Kojima is going to be so lonely until we build the quantum computer-driven AIs capable of understanding him.
If we include games, Crysis 2's first trailer had some top shelf haunting Sinatra cover
There is no war within the walls
Still can’t be as bad as the tonal disconnect between Dead Island the heartbreaking trailer and Dead Island the halfass game
And my sword
Watch Dogs 2: What if Anonymous had a saturday morning cartoon show?
Fixed that for you