
Exactly how many times are black men gonna let these new age white slave masters explicitly refer to them as property before they take a stand. This is one of the very few professions where black people not only outnumber their white bosses, but have the financial means to stand up and do something.

Few things give me second hand anxiety quite like being forced to watch a performance I didn’t plan to see. Not only do I feel I have to stop everything to listen to them, what if they mess up? What if they’re not good and I have to pretend that they are? Flying makes me anxious enough as it is, I don’t need to be

Nearly everything Mayim writes is sprinkled with this deep-rooted decades old insecurity over her looks. Her piece reads almost resentful that these gorgeous women, who she’s never been able to live up to, have always gotten more male attention than her. That’s coupled with this smugness that those same looks that get