I bet this is a way to hide in-game purchases until after the reviews are written.
I bet this is a way to hide in-game purchases until after the reviews are written.
I normally hate microtransactions, but that’s an approach I can get behind. If the transactions max out as the cost of a full game, and it’s a hard cutoff, then you’re essentially buying a full game. The cutoff removes the predatory element of it.
Guinness: No, we won’t certify John Oliver’s cake record, because it’s mean-spirited and mocks a brutal dictator.
That’s correct. And it took 60 women taking their allegations to the Miami Herald for the police to wake up and do their jobs the second time around, all while the “proper channels” were tuned to static.
Turns out he’s a bloodbender and we’re all his puppets.
There’s A LOT to unpack with his death, and the usual assholes are going to ignore all that and target Quinn in some truly atrocious ways, just because it’s Quinn, who the trolls hate most of all.
I heard the meeting was great. They served tiny sandwiches, and Bobby Kotick gave a rousing speech before everyone left and opened their gift bags.
“Congressman, you have Strauss Zelnick on line 1. He’s calling to make sure you don’t legislate the hell out of this trash. Also, he wants to know how you liked your trip to The Lodge at Vail this year.”
What the everliving fuck is this shit.
I’m sure 10s, no wait, dozens of “real gamers” will now decide to buy this title now that their precious anti-gay joke is still in there. Oh, man. They’ll be rolling in the dough now.
Entirely true, and it’s not even about attacking him. They love he said this shit, because they can use it to tar and feather all “leftists.” Never mind he’s just some loudmouth who 20 years ago wouldn’t have an audience larger than a college dorm community room.
Yeah. On the upside, Capcom seems to have its act together.
This article is best read while listening to the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme.
We were all overreacting, right?
Remember when we were all banging on about how Microsoft was trying to force a Kinect and an always-on internet connection into every Xbox One, and we were accused of being paranoid? Fun times.
I hope they gave you hazard pay for this one.
Man, Squall is going to be real disappointed when he finds out what happens to him at the end of disc one. He may just die of embarrassment!
I hear the WMD is the bomb!
All of this “violent video game” nonsense will come to an brumpt nonsense when some GOP staffer gets a call from a lobbyist who got a call from a bigger lobbyist who got an e-mail from Bobby Kotick telling him “Enough fun. Leave us be.”
Makoto’s the only bedtime dictator we need.