Hoo boy, you’ve kicked the hornet’s nest. I’ve been there, man.
Hoo boy, you’ve kicked the hornet’s nest. I’ve been there, man.
I’d love to know who’s behind this developer, “Revived Games.” Their list of games starts in December, and it includes gems like “Tyde Pod Challenge,” “White Power: Pure Voltage” and “Alt Coin.”
Seems like a good use of time.
I see the Cage defenders are out with their usual inexplicable enthusiasm today.
Remember to buy your games at launch, kids! It’s not like the complete game won’t be available for two full years at a fraction of the price!
When they fail, the publishers will blame gamers for not wanting to spend more than $60 for their $150-million-to-produce Fortnite clone.
So creative, you guys. I can’t wait to see what these innovators will do next.
I noticed that too. He’s so focused on “35 years ago” in his statements, when it’s his 2003 scores that were exposed. I wonder if h’s just hoping to keep a hold on his original legacy, that very first high score.
Clever take. Not at all wrong. No sir.
Still a hard pass, sorry.
With that kind of cash you can put a down payment on a 23-minute episode of Bubblegum Crisis, my friend.
Pepe the frog and his amazing internet friends must love what the guy they helped elect is saying about their favorite pastime.
If this meeting actually takes place during the mythical time-space void Trump often calls “next week,” someone will remind him that gun makers actually get money from game publishers who use their name-brand guns in-game. And this issue will never be discussed seriously again — at least until it’s time for the NRA…
This is exactly right. They’re throwing up a smokescreen to claim they’re dealing with the issue. It’s a dodge, meant to keep the legislators at bay.
Gargoyles or GTFO.
I’m puzzled with the TV station saying he hasn’t been charged with a crime, when he’s being held without bail. Is that some arcana of Washington state law that I don’t understand? How can he be booked and held in a jail facility if he’s not charged? That doesn’t compute for me.
Luke, you spelled Florida wrong. It has seven letters, not six, and doesn’t start with A.
That demo did the game absolutely no favors. You could spot the generic tedium a mile away.
For whatever reason, Furi reminds me of Silent Bomber for PS1, except with swords and a horrifying difficulty that makes me want to cry. I never got past the shirtless old dude with the beard.
If it helps bring back Gawker, I’m down with that. Gawker got a raw deal.