
I don’t know about other groups, but Jews would be perfectly happy to let you do it. If you have a beautiful voice for singing Hebrew songs or you sell amazing lokshen kugel, we would be happy to have you and would wish you mazel tov! (Well, except for those crazy right-wing Hasidic types, and us real Jews don’t count

Yikes. I just looked it up & she’s only 40! Was she doing a lot of tanning in an effort to change her color, I wonder?

Rep. Steve King of IA is one of the worst people ever. No surprise here at all. The NY Times did an amazing article on his constituency in March 2017, which featured the following paragraph: “Mr. King, a Republican who has displayed a Confederate battle flag on his desk in Washington, shows no sign of budging in his

Do a little more looking. A quick Google brought me Melania’s defense of Trump tweets against Mika Brzezinski, and her appearance on Anderson Cooper in which she used a “boys will be boys” defense in just a minute. Note also that, unlike HRC, MKT is uncomfortable in English and doesn’t speak out much anyway.

It would be really nice if, in a search for credible information, we did not use the Daily Caller.

That sounds like a messed-up woman with whom you would be better off NOT having sex. Be sure to tell her why, so she can think about whether she ought to do some growing up. (And I say this regardless of her age.)

That was beautiful and made me cry. I am in my fifties and my past echoes a lot of what you’ve said about yours, except for the acceptance part. I’ve also been unable to find work with benefits for many years and, as a result have almost nothing put aside to retire, though. If it weren’t for my wonderful older sister

Thanks for bringing just a bit of the Fox News crappiness over here, Rusty. *SMDH*

Unless they’re a nonprofit like, you know, a church. Churches don’t contribute to society.

Beautifully said, Borealis. I would love to steal what you said about the deplorables and their box. Some of us in the US are doing a lot more than just waiting until we can vote again in 2018, and I hope that more will continue to join us.

The only people who waste the rest of the pot of coffee are the people who have never figured out that you can buy a really nice thermos-type jug for $15 and use it for years and years to keep your coffee fresh and hot and save electricity.

I wish they’d been on it earlier, but I do feel like WaPo and the NYT are bringing real journalism back to life. (As are Teen Vogue and Elle, it’s a pleasure to say.)

And the thing is: he may have started it when he was younger and thinner, trying to show how strong he is. But now, when he pulls people toward him, it just shows how obese he is.

IQ does correlate well for certain kinds of tasks, though. It doesn’t correlate at all, for instance, with ability to be a decent person or to repair a car. But it does correlate well with the ability to do some of the things a President does - e.g., synthesize written information. Those are the exact things at which

But if they did that, it wouldn’t be such a great metaphor for almost everything that they’re doing. *sob*

That may also be Mr. Trump’s problem.

I certainly don’t deserve what they voted for, but they sure do. If only there were alternate universes we could live in so they could get their just desserts without me getting them, too.

Hate to say it, but pretty much everyone I know is feeling really affected by this. There’s already a psychiatrist shortage in my area, so we’ll have to figure out something else.

Do we know that she is ACTUALLY fluent in 6 languages? Or was that something from her fakey website that got pulled down, along with her architecture degree?

The latter is so much better, if you live in the area and it’s not too much trouble. Those of us who are too far away to do this thank you.