
For the record, I am completely willing to take deer jerky as partial trade on any car I am selling.

Am I the only one disappointed by a lack of references to Doug Demuro?

I think you will find that if you slow down a little and increase the space in front your visibility will improve.

But then how are we supposed to stalk people?

That’s an excellent idea, but my preference would be for a four-part episode in which a well-armed and well-equipped European military force arrives in the eastern United States, seeking to capture and disable America’s nuclear arsenal.

Back in, say, the 80's or 90's, those numbers would have made a show only slightly below average in viewership.

Something with zombies, maybe?

Maybe it’s time to think about an endgame, guys

Hey, if every joyless, half-developed character is easily replaceable, why wouldn’t the creatives be? Gimple probably just rolled under the dumpster.

Any Which Way but Dead

WOW! You are representative of why this nation is so divided. Try to put some of your hate aside and use what brain you may have to work toward the good of all the people!

Definitely not thankful for Obamacare here. My premiums have gone from under $200/month to almost $1000/month; with only a single insurer as an option in my county. and.... a $7500 deductible. So I basically can’t afford to use my healthcare.

No more press core. Get rid of all reporters they are all leftist douche-bags and not worth a crap. Not a single one of them are true journalists, in journalism you are taught to report the facts only! No personal opinions, no leftist slant, just what, where and when. This is something that no reporter out there