Tiago Simões

By the end of its run in 2000, Peanuts was an institution. It had become an omnipresent part of American culture,

I mentioned this while were editing this post (and I’ll add what I can find to the appropriate playlists!), but the entire genre of downtempo and trip-hop is more or less sex music, and as someone who used to be a DJ I can’t tell you how serious I am about this even as I have a huge grin on my face. :D A couple of

Trophy hunter truthers who think that this kind of shit helps animal conservation are absolutely the fucking worst.

Last year, the singer at my Uncle’s wedding got high and bonked out so I was blackmailed into doing the songs instead by the rest of the band, who used to be my classmates. Basically it was an unholy combination of Marge Simpson and Mindy Kaling doing “Moondance” by Van Morrison. The drummer couldn’t stop laughing and

He was someone that us Arab kids living in the West could look up to and admire and be proud of. Sharif Ali was gorgeous, and not an orientalist caricature or some stereotype. He was an actual Arab, playing an Arab, in an epic Hollywood movie - a film that is nearly universally respected and adored. That is a huge

Traffic Sports paid a lot in exchange for the marketing rights to various tournaments. Nike is thought to have paid bribes for the rights to the Brazilian national team.

See, this is why I’m not all about “letting other cultures be” and shit. So basically the state (in this case Chechnya) is sanctioning child rape? Fuck. These. Assholes.

“We’re not talking about a woman that was assaulted that goes into the emergency room— which, I would argue, that child still has a right,” Bright said. “We’re talking about somebody that had 20 weeks.”

The moment I knew I was old happened because of Sisqo. I was waiting tables and one of my coworkers was singing The Thong Song (like one does when waiting tables). As he was singing, the 16 year old host gave him the oddest look. With a knot of terror deep in my gut, it dawned on me that she didn’t know the song

Waiting at the airport for a flight. There’s a line of about 10 people at the counter that were delayed from an earlier flight. Some dude pushes past the line and screams at the desk agent that, “(He) has to be on this flight! And it has to be first class!” Agent tells him that she can help him but he need to wait in

Why did he call you a bitch? Did you use your phone during one of his plays.