Helps to read the article.
Helps to read the article.
I thought this releases April 4 worldwide? If not, I might have to try a Canadian account. Can the Canadian account be transferred to the US release?
I HATE HATE HATE DA:I. This is not it. Way more interesting content and side quests than it. Only similarity are kinda the graphics, weirdly enough? It is very much like the original ME so take that for what you want.
Trevor Noah [...] fawned over her
The Wi-fi in Sony’s game systems have always been garbage for me, so what I did was take a router that can be flashed with open source firmware and set it to be a “media bridge.” I still don’t need to run a wire out to my living room, but the PS4 is connected via ethernet to a router acting as a big, multi-client…
Kotaku Release Day: This game restore laughter to my heart.
Ever stop to consider that with your schedule and interests. Perhaps DAI simply didn’t have you as its intended target audience?
A gigantic RPG? I can’t wait for a subsequent Kotaku article whining about how it doesn’t respect the author’s time!
Yup, this definitely goes into the “nerds don’t know what actual humans look like” folder...
Gohan could potentially be the strongest of the Z fighters, but just doesn’t have a will to fight. He is kind of the trope of the reluctant super powered warrior who will fight if there is no non-violent solution, which would be cool if this was a universe that did not have very eager Goku and Vegeta who will fight on…
I am worried about his implicit assertion that its not his fault that the show got canceled. I mean I get that the man doesn’t have much experience in working on things at more than 1-man show level.
Its not gaming news, not gaming culture news, hell, its not even news, its just an article review on one of his videos. Go post this on Gizmodo or something.
Maybe you should have thought about those hundreds of people that worked on your show before you started cracking “death to all Jews” jokes, Pewds.
Yes. And the reason for that emphatic “Yes” is the fact that to him its just ‘some jokes that you disagree with’.
Dude looks sick.
There seemed to be an awful lot of equivocation and hand-waving excuse-making going on in the comments on the previous article.
I get not wanting to think one of your favorite personalities/entertainers/what have you might actually be a shitbag (or, if not an actual shitbag, the sort of dingus who has such poor…
Email, always...
You want me to do what? Can you send me that in an email?
You want to complain to HR about a clear violation, send an email.
I guarantee the response will be different. OR they fire you and you have documentation.
The funny thing is I think Arkham Knight tries to tell a story in a similar way to Arkham Origins, but Origins... kinda beats it out?