

I don't understand. Why does that video say (A) and (Y)? I can't see those buttons on my controller?

No I wouldn't. I don't think anyone could. It's one thing but the way they go on about it all the time...

You're not a fox. You're a human.

Oh no won't someone think of the ultranerds! They have to remember more stuff! Oh noooo.

Media doesn't transfer. It's a system breaking bug for a small number of people and has been in iOS or iTunes for a year now. I've been put through directly to senior software engineers trying to fix it, too.

So you need a legally owned WAD of a Doom-engine game, so you can play a pirated Donkey Kong game? Is that it?

Not at all. The problem is you're being told what to do by everyone; by your boss, by media, by society. You're expected to give up so much. I was like that too in my early 20's. Then I just thought "why?". If you break it all down to the simple task of "making money" then everything changes.

It's worth it. By far the BEST experience I've had on a game in a decade, minus the weird random bits towards the end.

Is that the edge of the map there? It does look small.

And they haven't fixed the bug either. What a jip.

Thing is I do a lot of traveling too. That's why I want an iPhone (and not iPod) and I communicate a lot via emails for my job.

I don't think mine are "Skinny jeans". My jeans of choice are Levi 501's, which I think, ironically, is what Steve Jobs used to wear. I've heard stories from people in this thread with 5S's that poke them in the legs as they walk, because it's so tall.

I can buy that.

Nope. Not at all. In fact I think you are, or autistic, it's very hard to tell these days. But Microsoft is going to ruin a fun game.

Dismissing your entire thread because you're just a moron.

That's awful. It's just a NES controller graphic stuck on the front? It's not blended in in any way at all? No.

Because iOS is better? Nothing is as integrated with my mac as my iPhone and iPad are. iTunes is mirrored back and forth, photos synced online to my huge iPhoto library, contacts synced whenever I change them, cloud bookmarks.

Haha, what, the discussion involved Microsoft and relevantly I'm comparing them to Sony on the grounds of them bloating their studios+games up.

Yeah I can feel the edges jutting in even on my 4S!