
And whilst I agree with your stance on Gamergate, I think the decision to keep Nathan Grayson on has absolutely lost my respect for this site. Like that whole "rape room" story where the guy who named it as such wasn't fired, it's one of those things that you're not doing the obvious. Remove the bad egg.

So basically it's those Rayman Origins chest levels but with worse art and probably worse music. Ok, not interested.

OH MY GOD this happened to me a very long time ago. I ran a competition to have some art in my game. Nothing that would make or break the game, just something innocuous as a little picture on a wall. That was it. It wasn't a texture or a huge project. Draw a picture, the best one makes it into the game on a wall. Bam.

Ah right never heard of it.

Nah sorry!

I like you guys and I'm an ex-developer (I don't make games any more). But you were nice to me in the past and were honest. I can appreciate that and if I ever get interviewed RE gamergate I'll list the honest places.

It's such a shame misogynistic dickwads won't just all die peacefully in their sleep.

Yeah, archronos doesn't seem like a smart guy.

Wait what, you're aware of the difference between a whole company being bought because of whatever reason (be it their technical ability on that platform or connections with managers), and a previously universal IP being bought out for exclusivity?

Nope, not at all. I'm well aware of the tactics MS employ (ex developer).

Huh, what's that from?

I wish there was a 'view comments by order posted'. Because I want to know what the latest is.

Nope. I don't know how much you know about what happened at Core but basically they didn't go to anyone. They simply made TR2's main dev platform be the PS version because of how wildly successful it was on that platform. They were smart and went to the platform that was best for them at the time. Neither them nor

If MS didn't put so much effort into timed exclusives and doing this exact thing with COD then yeah, I'd be all "SONY ARE BASTARDS". However, since Sony are being nicer then I'm not going to say that. I'm going to say, fuck you MS and what you did with Tomb Raider you robbing cunts.

So what about body dysmorphia or dysphoria or whatever it's called.

Ah true. It can be risky. I've never seen it go south with my friends though, even when I was younger (just 14) and I made out with a few girls without us committing to a relationship we just kinda went our own ways. But I do think FWB is something that you need to be very clear on. And a rule should be if one person

Ah thanks. I guess that really cements my decision to get the regular one only.

Which will always be on display. Look at the space that has been cleared for it.

But that's you putting labels on them. People are free to do what they want. Why do we need a whole list of different types of relationship when the current ones work? Single, partner, married seems to work just fine. Throw in "open" as a modifier and you've got it all covered.

They've taken down reviews and trying to remove comments. Cats out of the bag guys, you can't hide all this messy business away. Sort it out.