
No, new 3DS games will be playable on old 3DS systems too but they will be forced to 2D and may have choppy frame rates. Kind of like Pokemon XY and how poor they performed.

Not at all. There will be no New 3DS game that wont run on a regular 3DS. It will just be forced to play in 2D.

I'll be getting one of each to replace my 3DS and XL. I'll just put the old ones away for collectors value though.

When you say hardy do you mean tough? I've never heard meat described that way and I'm curious now! I've never had bison but I'd be tempted to try it should I go to a restaurant that served it.

Very interesting.

I read an article on Zoophilia the other week. I went from knowing nothing on the subject to knowing it exists and for fucks sake. How gross is that and there are groups that support it on Facebook and Deviantart.

I know where they're from.

Poster mentioned gyro's.

Is it expensive there? I guess that would play a huge factor (like in HFCS).

I can't stop writing Upworthy headlines.

I'm not into Greek food but I like roast lamb. Not all the time. It's good at Christmas.

Ah I'm not really into those. Thanks for the heads up.

You can be sick as much as you want, there are plenty more people who are sick of having to play these games as straight white gruff dudes, and when given the opportunity to have a female member as part of a team they completely drop the ball.

3 other assassins that are all male.

They're not giving us anything. They're charging us. And because of that, I don't want to pay for something that has absolutely made the wrong decisions throughout.

That's nice for black people, what about all women?

Who says it's another country? Are you implying I'm American or something daft like that?

But if the gallery is horribly misogynistic then I'm not going in and I will complain about it. Like so many others are doing.

Nope, then you must have missed the part about "getting out" which plenty of Germans, Austrians, Poles did at the start of the war.

What other things? It's like what, a week or twos worth of food shopping? I know there are insane people who spend a quarter of their salary on wedding rings and stuff like that. Now that's what I consider wasteful. How useful is a ring? Not very!