
Oh fucking hell!

Places in mainland Europe have lower everything, though. You can drink at 14 in France yet there is no issue with it like you'd get in America and UK. Some countries can handle responsibilities. The US can't, just look at how crazy that place is.

No that's the case. My post has the most recommendations out of any in this thread so... what do you make of that?

No, you have no control over me.

Not at all. I have work and stuff to do, I can't stay here and battle against druggies all day.

I think you need to learn English before speaking again.

This sounds awful, what a dick.

I only posted a small thing and it's being blown out of proportion by druggies. It's crazy. Why are they doing that to me? Thats 2 reasons why they need to re-evaluate their lives.

That's more than what I have.

I'm going to try this later on all 3 of those games. I recently put new batteries in all my carts so I can go at it again. Would love to play through with a Mew.

I know a lot of MRA people don't like using Feminism because it has "femi" in it. Personally I don't care. Modern feminism is just another word for equality, or equalism. Radfems don't want that either but I'm for it.

I'm originally from part of the world where my race didn't have power. My wife is white and from the Caribbean and was treated horribly growing up. Step out of the US and parts of Europe.

Wait, so where do I stand? I'm a feminist and believe in trying to improve things for everyone, as well as mental health stuff. Both myself and my wife have huge support for her, we donate to her Paetreon (or she does from both of us, I can't remember the name of that site).

For some reason they're not running this in my country. There are better ways to do this, I think they're called Torrents.

Isn't that dependant on where you live?

You'll just have to. As usual most people are against drugs (look at the recommendations) but the vocal drug users always show up.

We are? The moment someone says you can't do something, you're not on top. The ones saying it are above you.

They opened 2 days ago. You're very late.

Not very, I just don't have a lot of outgoings. My mortgages are paid off and I now buy/sell houses. I don't drive so I don't have that. I don't drink a lot, I don't go to the cinema (would love to but I find people ruin films by talking or whatever. There's just zero respect in them and its been getting worse the

You're about the hundredth person to mention this and I've already replied to those posts.