
I might watch it again to remind myself of how good Robin Williams was. Do you have any other film recommendations?

Actually no, haha, I wouldn't buy the exact same game on the same console twice. I don't want to throw my money away I just want a nice easy gaming experience so that doesn't involve carting systems around.

Where did that come from?

Nope, would bring in new problems and higher rates of DUIs, etc. It's not good.

Oh right. No I can't remember a line from a film 25 years ago. I remember the plot if that counts for anything.

That makes sense. Very clear, much clearer than Sony's description of it!

Then you do drugs. You are taking a potent drug for recreational reasons. You are a drug user. If you can't live without it you are a drug addict.

It turns out it's not just mine. My post has had more faves than any other here and its a post that's against drugs, almost all developed nations have also outlawed it. So. *shrugs*

But there is an immediate, powerful psychological effect that can cause long-term mental issues.

A few people have said that already and I've already given a reply.

And also upheld in countries that don't share your god.

That might be your recent history. We never had a prohibition.

You're going to have to name at least some of these with some peer-reviewed evidence (like there is on cannabis triggering psychological issues) of them being harmful. Not doubting you, but you're going to need proof and not just say "there's probably".

I like all systems.

Thanks! That Primary thing sounds good. I just skipped over most of that when I set up my 2nd PS4 thinking it would be like the PS3, but I guess it's even better.

Nope, drug addicts don't have power over me especially on a forum.

Why are you so upset? I'm upset over nothing except how much MS let me down. I own all systems released in the past decade, apart from the Xbox One. This might blow your mind and ruin the bizarre image of me you may have constructed in your head: I own more Nintendo systems as I tend to buy most of the limited edition

I did when it was on at the cinema what, 25 years ago?

Except it isn't harmless and has been linked to triggering psychological disorders. Many things are harmless.

For the record I only owned 1 PS1, 1 PS2, 2 PS3s and now 3 PS4s. That's just sony systems. No need in mentioning the other systems (all Nintendo too, multiple versions+colours+models of handheld systems)