Please be good. Getting "Mortal Kombat" vibes from this, maybe it's the Unreal connection. But fuck the story man.
Please be good. Getting "Mortal Kombat" vibes from this, maybe it's the Unreal connection. But fuck the story man.
The technical knowledge for photography is much much greater. Photography stops being "that juxtaposition and set up looks nice" and starts becoming a deeply mathematical process that is essentially "controlling light to be absorbed by a sensitive panel". Lens, aperture, ISO, filters, shutter speeds, DOF, blah blah.
No thanks I'll pass. Not into these weebo games.
Lot's of "moms" being said. One assumes this is American and not Japan (where Pokemon is from).
Incidentally, and I'm only saying this due to my own circle of friends, but the friends who class themselves as bisexual are certainly the "attention whores" of the group. My gay friends seem to be of high social standards, if you know what I mean, sophisticated and mature. Nothing at all like the flaming gay…
"I'm jealous because why am I only limited to only half of the planet"
Same, I know there are gender and sexuality issues out there and some seriously intense/insane people who go way overboard in a hugely angry way... I'm a lighthearted easy going kind of person so those angry folk scare me away. I just try to do my best and move on.
I hear there's a lot of flack for bisexual people from both sides (straight and gay). Or so my bisexual friend tells me.
Is that Harry Hill's son?
"And what of the fifth character in the vid (female, didn't catch her name), who looked to attack a lot like Robin did?"
I know, it's great to see when you have companies like Ubisoft generally fucking up everything they try.
My wife screamed, haha. She loves Lucina as a character. This is going to great.
Some fools keep saying Shulk like it's a real word or character.
Nope, too fat.
I don't know why but I'm not keen on fat people. It's like nothing against them personally, unless they're trying to be fat by not doing fun things like exercise.
How can someone find vagina's objectionable. Really.
"Somehow" :(
I've only played each game once, but I play both versions. One game is used as a permanent save one, the other as a "reset for a new adventure" one. I've come across 10 or so shinies. One of them was a Mewtwo I found on first try, and a black Rayquaza.
That person has a girlfriend?
"Kitchenette realises Clickbait headlines and uses one"