Free to LOL.
Free to LOL.
Yup. You're a fool if you don't have one. So much fun to be had on this system it's great.
Oh god that looks nowhere near as good as how I imagined it would. This is the first time I've seen gameplay footage. I thought it'd be something a little more Minecraft-y (build things with more complexity than simply applying giant panels) or even Garry's Mod but with a really cool invasion mechanic. I guess that…
"The way that this building was wrecked might surprise you."
Jesus fucking christ what is that abomination in the second photo?
In all fairness it hasn't improved much since the GC era. And that's no problem because that looked great too. The leap from 64 to GC was huge. The leap from the GC to even the Wii U one not so much. Even the leap from PS3 to PS4 is small! (so far).
Lol what.
I only preorder games if there's a huge financial incentive to do so or if it's a must-have (Mario, Pokemon). That's why I don't do it often.
I think my wife (at the time my gf) used to watch this. And that I watched one episode. It seemed... not as good as Dragonball? I dunno. I didn't like it. It was quite rubbish. There was someone who was stretchy? I gave up on due to it being bad.
They did! But I'm very good at that game. In a Buzzard you're pretty much immune to everything except jet fighters. It took me a few attempts but I know how to conquer them too (stay in a fixed position, only move vertically and tilt if you need to aim down or up more. They're the bull - you're the matador. Fire 2…
Oh god I LOVE virtual gangs in this game. I don't come across them often but fuck are they great to play with. They act so serious so I just fly over in a Buzzard and blow as many up as I can and fly off. Take myself off radar and snipe them from mountains/buildings.
There's always one slow one in a class.
Pushmo? I think you mean Pullblox. I love the puzzles on that I can just completely run through them. All other puzzle games leave me stumped. I guess my brain is better at these.
I'm not buying AssCreed Unity because of how retarded they have suddenly become. They won't get £50 off me. That's all I can do to help make things better.
Best place for it: local play with friends. That's all I do now and whenever I go to a party and someone busts SF4 out.
Kotaku's always been a bit more "universal" than other sites.
Hey, you know what might be cool, not making Europe sound like some magical place. Why not ask Nintendo when US-only games are being released in Europe?
Completely agree (Though I'm not into watching men get wet). But I think showing faces at the start was nice, made me feel a bit of the fear they displayed. Rest of it? Nah. Combined with some weird as fuck annoying song. Nah.
It's sad there's no middle ground in all this. I love SF but I cannot stand the allowed attitudes and issues generated by "pro" fighters and their various "scenes". I grew up on SF2 and that's the only fighting game I really got into until SF4, and then backpeddling to SF3 and other Capcom fighters to play catch up.