Oh cool thanks. Yeah I think I tried playing these a year ago and had nothing but colour issues. Glad to see thats fixed.
Oh cool thanks. Yeah I think I tried playing these a year ago and had nothing but colour issues. Glad to see thats fixed.
Can you even play games if you're Arabic? I mean, in those parts of the world women are forbidden to listen to music. So I imagine playing games is also a no? Or can only men play games (as men are allowed to listen to music)?
Trumping and burping in GTA1.
Some worries calmed. But stuff like "how infinite it is" is misleading. Infinite is infinite.
I noticed mine were updated earlier today too. Is there anything new in them?
Just curious: are you on any medication?
Love the final shot.
In public locations it'd just be used to masturbate in.
I know right. Gergo is the worst blogger on this site. From these reposts to clickbait headlines. I'm not impressed.
That would make sense.
Can't get over how bad these are.
That's not too bad. I picked up the Galaxy Platinum one a year ago. Thanks anyways!
Have you got a link for that, or is one of those Star Catalogue items? Would love to buy one myself.
Makes me glad I use an iMac. Nothing gets in there! Well they do get dusty but it's not so bad if you clean it once every 3 years.
Thanks, that actually means a lot.
What's the argument? You can still charge to join a server but you can't charge for items. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever.
Well I thought we were having a good discussion.
I'm fairly certain you're a parody account. I consider my wife to be a "furious feminist", but this is really taking things too far.
I didn't know you were a lady, I never implied or suggested you were.
There are levels. You're making it sound like I'm one of those MRA type "victim blamers" I'm talking about this with my wife and she's laughing at the thought of me being a "victim blamer". My level is "use common sense". Go out with people you barely know, get as drunk as you want. That's fine.