
I kept watching the trailer over and over (and over and over) again because it gave me a brief but beautiful glimpse of what I hope is to come.

Not at all. You're claiming to be above it but you're further proving what everyone is thinking you are. Pro tip: if you're trying to lure someone in or joke, be the opposite of what you are, because then you're not just being a parody of yourself.

So if I want frame rate and resolution I should buy a PC. I've looked on Steam but I can't find a way to play Second Son, Ground Zeroes, Resogun, Killzone... could you please link me to them?

Probably. I love the Vita which is why it's really sad to see such minimal support for it.

Nope, fully aware of what you're trying to say. But even when you're joking you're still continuing the tone you started with before the joke. We still know what kind of person you are.

Have you heard of the following: "Radio"?

I'll do no such thing. If people really are ignorant to their shortcomings and have much lower standards than you or I, they are deserving of contempt. Those that seek to learn, ie "that pose looks familiar, I know it's in the THOR cover art but is it anywhere else?" would be a much better question to put forward.

Let's just get this right so it'll sit nice with a screenshot:

I... don't know if you know this, but Assassin's Creed has a huge female fanbase. Or it did, at least. This has certainly had a negative impact on more than 1 individual.

You can place an equalist label because that's what I support.

Actually I made a game that did that, but even I stole the idea from an even older game. It's not a new concept at all but those that don't branch out in gaming will know them from the recent Mario titles.

You *really* come off as MRA.

Business perspective: what business perspective?

Someone on my Twitter feed said "I'm not playing Tomb Raider unless I can play as a guy". Well, you can, in multiplayer. But I don't agree with that idea. These games set in a famous time where the most notorious assassin was female, you can be any person you want via customisation on 4 base models... so long that

Weird that you'd put an image up instead of, you know, researching a subject. Seriously try that from now on. If you're of a lower intelligence don't just jump into arguments. Know what you're talking about first because there are people who are much smarter that don't want to hear lies.

Why are some people so simple in their heads? And why are you so accepting of that lesser intelligence? We should be pushing people to be smarter not "that's a pose that's in my favourite super hero movie hurr durr" completely disregarding that it's a COMMON POSE and in more famous, older works of art.

You're aware that graphics are more than resolution right? There's a hugely important factor called "art direction". It's why real life/camera films look better or worse than others. It's how lighting, design, juxtaposition all impact on the overall image.

Holy fuck, this is the first negative I've read about this game. All I've heard is great comments. Like, I don't even know why you mentioned HD graphics! Are we back in 2005??

No it's not, Second Son runs at 1080p60 with an option to lock to 30 if you want, hah, get your facts right.