
When the moderate right wing were pushed off the stage by the MRAs, wannabe fascists, and white supremacists.

It’s true. We definitely haven’t had enough discussion about the positive merits of ethnic cleansing. This is a side that should be debated more robustly and hasn’t really had a fair chance to flesh itself out. Quickly, fellow 14 year old Libertarians! To Reddit!

Ain’t political. Can’t be. Ethnically cleansing is not a political stance. Any kind of support of it, is not political.

Right, ‘cus nazis deserve the benefit of the doubt... 

Nobody’s making you read this site. Hell, maybe you can go start a gaming site on Breitbart.

You should apply to Kotaku so they can have your pro-Nazi alternative facts represented.

I wonder how many folks will take a swing at this and miss the implicit message; my guess is that the number will be fairly low, given that the initial audience is likely to be comprised primarily of folks who were already on board with the message the parody is trying to send—but still.

As for the existential

Yeah. Boo, and shame on the media for playing tape of the man you voted for, without prompting, saying racist, bigoted, sexist, hate-filled, xenophobic things. Totally the media’s fault.

Hi! Go fuck yourself!!

It honestly enrages me that she faced a deluge of criticism on things that Trump was far guiltier of. To this day, my Republican family who complains about all Trump’s recent actions, still believe that he is better than Hillary because she’s a “crook.” And the people who continue to believe that are the ones who

And also, those that couldn’t be bothered to have voted between a somewhat unlikable lady and a raging, narcissistic, trust fund baby, C student, 7th grade vocabulary, not really a billionaire blowhard, and stayed home, because “what does it matter anyways man”: this is on you. We’re going to need you to wear hunter

I’m pretty sure most of the people calling Clinton a Republican were sweet summer children who had no idea what a Republican government looks like. I still remember one Hillary opponent who said younger people know more about her because they watch clips of her on YouTube. Like, anyone who’s old enough to

To all the liberals who had the audacity to think that Hillary Clinton would have been just as bad as Trump. Fuck you very much.

Well this seven sister grad referred to the idea of sleeping with Bannon in order to save America as equivalent to the first episode of Black Mirror, where the British PM has to literally fuck a pig.

Probably not. But at least it would show that bitch for being so pushy. She really should’ve just smiled more. Amirite?

He looks like the clog of hair my husband has to dig out of the shower drain every couple of months.

“Um... Steve...?”


Steve Bannon looks like a guy who hangs out at the strip club on Sunday afternoon for the buffet lunch.

Steve Bannon looks like the odd man out at a swingers party attended by Ted Cruz.