Yes. He was assisted in killing himself but it had nothing to do with the powerful (mostly) men who he helped sleep with kids. Wanna buy a bridge?
Yes. He was assisted in killing himself but it had nothing to do with the powerful (mostly) men who he helped sleep with kids. Wanna buy a bridge?
In Soviet Russia, suicide watch you!
So some high profile names started to be mentioned and a man purportedly to be on 24 hour suicide watch is able to hang himself. This makes me legitimately angry, but I don’t know what I expected to happen with this case. The rich and powerful actually facing justice for their actions? Not a fucking chance in this…
“...changed the world...”
“...Brown’s killing galvanized Black Lives Matter to new levels, changing conversations about social justice around the globe.”
I know it doesnt change the central point of the article- that the investigation into the Ferguson PD showed blatant corruption and that the town was using law enforcement as a revenue generator, mostly on the backs of poor blacks- but I still think it should be noted: the entire “hands up,. dont shoot”narrative that…
Psst, it also didn’t change the world. Look out your window.
Gunned down or shot in self-defense?
Ha! At this point, all Dems will lose to Trump. Dems just don’t get it. Nobody in their right mind wants what the Dems are selling but with the vilification of Trump nobody will openly tell you what they are thinking. 90% of the people you know that say they will vote Democrat once behind the curtain will vote…
I believe we are screwed. The political machine continues to deliver shit choices and we can only have shitty outcomes when working with shit
He’s not unprepared; he’s 76 years old, kind of frail, and he’s making lots of little slips in his speech.
Since May what?
Surely his mind will sharpen as he continues aging, right?
If the Dems put this dude up they’re gonna lose, hard, and god damn will they deserve it. Of course, they’re not the ones who’ll have to deal with the consequences — we are.
People that break the law in other contexts are routinely arrested. They often have kids, and it’s often a very sad situation when parents are separated from their kids. No one wants this, yet no one would suggest that we not enforce the law.
What does the Dayton mass shooting have to do with trump being a racist?
Do you know who Joe Biden is? He’s gonna be the democratic nominee and give us Trump for 4 more years (or forever) that’s who? (I hate this man)
There is nothing feminist about the pro-life movement and if you are pro-life you are not a feminist. It is that black and white.