
Writing in “The Federalist”?! What a bunch of scumbags.

Team Katy. This story has been bogus from the beginning. 

Re: miserable…I was 6’1” tall by the time I was 12 years old. At age 11 I spent most of my time curled up in a fetal position on the floor wailing and writhing in pain because it felt like my bones were being broken every single day. My parents had no idea what was wrong and doctors says it was school-related anxiety

He has had a few good pics of him smiling but man, the majority seem to always capture a gloomy expression.

And how many times do they have to be told that nobody transitions in order to win at sports?

First they came for people hiding gold bars and I did not speak up because I was not a caricature of a corrupt politician...

The links just list their DISCLOSED travel and it appears under “re-imbursements.” So they did disclose these trips, they didn’t hide them, and it appears that they reimbursed the people paying for the trips (not sure about that)? Also, the WaPo article is about justices being paid to teach summer courses when the

Gotta try harder with your rape apologia. Perhaps Masterson really knows what happened to JFK and the illuminati are out to get him? Or maybe his victims had purchased lipstick on one occasion so they deserved it. Be honest with yourself, there’s no amount of evidence that would ever convince you. 

Zero proof? What are you wanting? Eye witnesses? A blood and semen stained dress? Multiple victims reported their rape at the time to ethics officers within Scientology, and the prosecution was able to obtain those ethics reports. One also went to the police in 2004, and that spooked Masterson enough that he

But most importantly is the substance of the most egregious lie. And I would describe it as an outright lie, not an embellishment. In highschool he was rejected by a girl for totally normal reasons. She was polite about it but turned him down. He turned this into a story about how her racist parents wouldn’t let her

Dude has political aspirations beyond AG and can’t stand that he got clowned by a female doctor doing her job. So he’s doubling and tripling down until he can claim that he “won.”

Don’t call them “pro-birth.” They’re “forced-birth”

This guy was lucky to eff around and not quite find out. I’m not sure i’d have the patience to have NOT run him and his door over. At that point you are being attacked, and getting the hell out of there is your best option. 

Imagine being such an idiot that a person would conflate pulling someone over for expired tags with a person stopping in a traffic lane to get out and hit another person’s car, as though those 2 circumstances are at all related.

That’s actually pretty on brand for a right wing politician.

It’s truly something to behold that repubs have calculated that they need to be so far-right that they can win the primary, but also moderate enough to win an election in a purple district. I shouldn’t be and I am probably jinxing it, but I want to believe boebert is not re-elected because juuusssttttt enough people

They truly are Monopoly board throwing children when they lose. 

I watched a few episodes of RHOSLC and she has very serious anger issues. She lashed out at everyone who even dared to question her innocence. And I mean lashed. Throwing things around restaurants and people’s homes like an out of control toddler.

I do feel bad, a bit, for her offspring.  Not having a real woman to look up to.

These shitheads look at The Handmaid’s Tale like an instruction sheet to assemble furniture from IKEA.