
i don’t care what anyone says.

“The Rockets, on no less than seven occasions, did likeable things that were ignored by commenter Buldops, Mr. Buldops, including...”

“You wanna be in the next memo, putz?”

The Rockets are fully the most unlikeable team in the NBA.

Man, no balls are safe from Draymond. Eyeballs, basketballs, actual balls, they’re all fair game. 

Thor keeping his weight when he went into battle mode is one of the best moments in the entire movie. It’s severely understated how great his character arc was in the movie.

THIS. All these “fat Thor” takes are just so bad. Thor was fat not because of video games, but because he feels personally responsible for deaths of half the universe and is depressed about it. His mom tells him to eat a salad because she cares for him, and knows that being overweight isn’t healthy. Rocket makes fun

> It’s too bad that this poignant scene happens in the midst of a collection of tired stereotypes of gamers

I mean, I’m depressed at the moment, and my work has been upsetting me such that I’ve basically been stress eating for a year solid.  I’ve gained at least 30 pounds, and that’s a byproduct of my depression and laziness.

James Harden complaining the game should be called “the way it’s supposed to be called” is like Wil E. Coyote complaining to Acme customer service after the Roadrunner escapes into the cliff painting. It’s like, yeah, man, that wasn’t supposed to happen, but to be fair you were legit trying to smash and eat that bird.

It means his mom has been making him do his AP English homework again. 

The officiating in this game made it damn near unwatchable, and not because of how bad it was, but due to how Mark Jackson and Jeff Van Gundy somehow managed to reach an entirely new level of annoying because of it.

Watching James Harden not get the foul calls he’s used to is the most reliable joy the NBA playoffs can offer.

Whenever hardcore nerds complain about these movies, I can’t imagine how they ever got through the comics, especially those big crossovers. For every good series, there were several others that were semi-literate, self-important, incoherent fan service or wish fulfillment.

...this has been Emmitt Smith Goes To The Moves.

This is so great, you think you have friends. :)

If you find someone buying tickets for a movie annoying and smug, that sounds like a you problem. 

If you don’t already like Marvel’s offerings, this movie isn’t going to change your mind. But this movie wasn’t really made for that crowd, anyway, so that’s not surprising.

I am truly sad that anyone can be shallow enough to find this drek entertaining.