
Warriors Investigators Ask To Whom Bell Tolls

I love how you sound like you’re about to have a stroke.

Kind of a long winded way to call the guy a dick.

We lost a close friend last year very suddenly due to an undiagnosed heart issue. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anybody. It hasn’t even been a year yet, and it destroys me for at least a moment every day. I hope Clifford’s family and friends can find peace and comfort somehow.

Just going to go out on a limb here and say that Ja rules.

That kid might end up with a BROKEN FREAKING NECK!

He’s never going to make the big time by kicking out 15% of the audience.

That shot chart is like if they made a whole team out of Andrew Wigginses.


That’s “wives,” Russ.

LeBron activates playoffs mode on NBA 2K19


As a fan of visual novels, I’ve played PLENTY of them with rape, and I can name a few off the top of my head that are awesome games with great characters and stories.

Everyone loves to say that the Warriors lost to the Cavs in the 2016 because Draymond was suspended however as a Warrior fan I’ve been trying to tell people that the real reason was Bogut’s injury which kept him out of the last two games. Bogut had been a great defensive presence under the basket for that and the

Well, I hope Draymond at least sends you a card on Father’s Day.

None of this would be happening if the Pelicans just made the damn trade!” -C. Thompson over and over and over again.

Now playing

I think this video, if true, is relevant to the discussion. I don’t follow Drama Alert or have any appreciation (but I don’t particularly dislike either) for Keemstar - and I most certainly don’t hold Youtube’s (and Google) moderation practices in high regard, but Keem seems to have something of a case here:

Courtesy of @nick_pants 

a thumb.