
This is exactly how I feel.  I was happy when KD came but I’ve seen this team get worse with him.  The warriors were always the most successful with a strong bench, and yeah they have like 4-5 all stars but the bench is trash and it shows.  KD’s personality doesn’t help either. 

Gita with another A1 banger.

I just started playing the first DLC and i’m enjoying it...granted i’ve done everything else in the game to the point where im just swinging around waiting for random crime to happen so I can 100% those

Spot on. The way these people carrion and on is a shocker. They should stop being so (mister) negative about this and chill with the shriek-ing.  Such vermin.

+2 face and arms beginning to swell

Barack’s face in the second photo is the facial equivalent of that Arthur fist meme

For a second I was like “what is exactly wrong with being Frank?”

this is where i was dead

Melo’s FGA can get the FOH

Correction, I honestly believe the seal was thinking they were never ever gonna survive, unless...they get a little....crazy

so what you’re saying is the seal would get the stiffy with the blicky, uh

NAS is like

NAS is like

Dont leave Jake One out

that shoebox fits up to size 13.  my size 15s are crying right now.

thats his name in the comic...

I did this also at 10 years old

What happened with Danny Green also seems to add fuel to what Kawhi was claiming

As someone currently dealing with a two month old that basically has a night terror when you try to lay her in the bassinet while sleeping, if this exact scenario were put before me before my wife was pregnant, I probably would have had a second thought about it. However, if I would have had that, I would have missed

Now playing

apparently he actually does DJ sometimes still