
how about that, you smart people out there! i bet you didn’t see that coming!

I read this and I’ve now spent about 30 minutes wondering about the lives of the respective parties involved given what we know from the obit. Take what we know about Kathleen Dehmlow: Married at 18-19 (so young), two kids and pregnant with a third by 24 (still really young). Moves to California, abandoning two kids

Emmitt Smith: So that’s why they call it an “oldbitchuary.”

Could you have backhanded any harder lol

5 bucks says Larry Bird is his favorite basketball player and pines for a time when basketball players were gentlemen (read: whiter).

The same way that so many reasonable, empathetic liberals come from bigoted conservative families, probably. They found an ideological system that resonated with them and rejected their family’s input.

Thoughts on a guy potentially proposing in the exact same way as his older brother? Weird, or unoriginal but otherwise fine?

They’ll combust.

The builders and owners of the parking garage have a responsibility to have barriers that can handle a simple accident like a car hitting them at relatively low speed, without the car flying off of a 7-story structure.

40 dollars a year for VPN > getting emails from ISPs asking “could you please not torrent things”

Interested, I still prefer symmetrical thumbsticks.

I mean, if your girlfriend (or dad, or coworker, or whatever) doesn’t want to sit in your fart stench cloud, then it’s kind of rude to make her, right? I know there are all these people who claim that you’re not TRULY in love with someone until you can fart in front of them or take a shit with the door open or

Guy at a Sox game said to me once “buddy, you’re not supposed to put ketchup on your hot dogs in Chi-town.”

Skateboarding wasn’t a big part of my childhood, but it would be hard to overstate how big a deal the PS1 and PS2 Tony Hawk games were at the time. Just like it’s weird looking back on how Guitar Hero was huge for a while, and now seems like just a blip.

And next year, they’ll release a mini N64 Classic that doesn’t have Ocarina Of Time. It’ll be $100, have even shorter controller cables, and they’ll stop production before the shipments even reach the container ships at the port.

I can’t wait to never be able to get one ever

I’m good with that, we’ve established the realm at this point, the show doesn’t have to be a travelogue anymore.

That left joy-con always was fucking full of itself.


I still cringe about things I did in 2nd grade.