
I agree with you but watching people do math is about as exciting as watching people do math.

That particular commenter’s commenting history here is ... I mean they have opinions, I won’t claim they don’t have opinions. But the opinions all seem, as you said, angry? Like “how dare an environmental justice researcher do their job” or “how dare a whale need protection”. It seems like a commenting identity based


I’m slightly confused by how a commenter who had two comments dismissed today by the Earther staff (one at this article, the other at this article) is a followed commenter at Earther. I mean we all write comments that annoy the staff enough to get dismissed, but twice in one day? And they’re still followed by Earther?

Are you honestly under the impression that this hasn’t been debated to death? The debate has been settled from peer reviewed literature through very public and televised events. Opinions are for preferences, not established facts. There is no reason for people to hear the same illogical, deceitful argument for the

Energy density isn’t the real issue unless we’re talking about submarines or spaceships — cost is. Nuclear can be expensive compared to other energy technologies.

I don’t see anyone complaining about being silenced. I just see a troll (you) whining for attention. Blaming the protesters for, I don’t even know what you’re blaming them for, is ludicrous. You are hilarious. Is Russian your first language?

When things go correctly There is a lot to be said of nuclear power, the problem is when things dont go correctly. For example the Fukushima reactor still hasnt recovered from the 2011 earthquake. Nuclear waste is also an issue. A lot of the issues may be solvable with technology and time tho.

This whole concern trolling by Trump for the rust belt and manufacturing can be summed up in two words: Wilbur Ross. The commerce secretary, who’s a fake billionaire, btw, spent the 1980s though the mid aughts gutting textiles, steel, auto parts and engineered materials and sent it the China. Hell, entire

And there it is folks: the “both sides” argument from the non scientist who won’t bother to listen to the 97% of climatologists that are saying climate change is real, it’s caused by humans, and it’s going to cause a lot of damage and deaths in the near future.

Great to see the voices who complain they are being silenced now silencing the voices of the ones they claim were doing the silencing.

Did you just propose that we ban Ban during Ban Week?

Ah, from the Steve Bannon Collection.

ugh, perfumed women at work, ugh.

And the winner for Best Beta Boy Blogger goes to Hamilton “Cucks” Nolan. Good luck marking territory with weak ass deodorant as Alphas dominate your crushes. That’s why I always cover my neck in real blood before I go out; puts out a good “I’m dangerous and live in the woods” feel. Chicks love it, as told by the

Girls: Also stop. Nobody who is standing 15 feet away from you in a crosswind wants to smell your skanky floral, your geriatric vanilla, your decaying rose oil, your designer RAID bugspray knockoff, I mean what the fuck is that shit anyway?

But I like Jean Nate!

I bet someone, somewhere is punting a PUA scheme that teaches its customers how to act ‘woke’

Damn, this hits close to home. Thank for this piece, made me think about a lot of encounters and frustrations I’ve had over the years. There’s this thing I’ve noticed about dudes who are ‘allies’, who wave their feminist flag from the rooftop, but then once I let my guard down physically it feels like they are trying

Damn, do I understand this. “[H]e apologizes nicely and indulges you in a thoughtful conversation after the offending incident.” “These men, in turn, are unusually willing to Talk It Out, often leading to maddening head games.” It’s incredibly discouraging. Sadder and wiser, I try to stay away from these types, but