
As a Black Man with a White Name, White Speech Patterns and White Mannerisms (I was raised this way by a Mother and Father who knew the shitty world they lived in) I totally agree with you. This race thing is just so stupid!

I get great phone interviews, and often get told: The in person interview is a formality! Then

I don’t think Jay, Bey, Kanye, Rihanna, etc., are being whitewashed at all, actually. They are bringing their whole selves—-their wealth AND their Blackness—-to lily white spaces like couture fashion shows and Cannes and THAT’S what I find intruiging and interesting.

I don’t see it like that, actually. I see it as diversifying yet another place that Black and Brown people were denied “admittance” to for decades. I think the rhetoric of “New Black” is silly but the concept exists regardless of the dumb term.

Gahhh. This fucking “turn girls into Krav Smegma ninjas packing heat” bullshit fantasy. How about teach the boys to be human beings.

I work for a big utility company in a technical position, and I am one of 6 women in a group of over 30 people. The majority of the company’s 23,000 employees are male, and the overwhelming majority of women in the company work in administrative support, clerical, or other non-technical roles. The culture can be

Sir Terry Pratchett was the guest of honor at MiniCon 40 (2005), which I attended. I was at the art auction, watching the charitable-cause bidding on a manuscript or other item Sir Terry had donated, when suddenly a voice boomed from the back of the room, "Five Hundred Dollars!!" The item sold, and Sir Terry strode to

Are people never allowed to grow and evolve in their perspectives? When I was 17-20, I regularly espoused my beliefs that civil unions were fine, being trans was all made up nonsense, that abortion was wrong,and that affirmative action is bullshit.

Yay! Unfortunately it doesn't work with Hulu, they can detect that you are on an anonymizer and won't let you watch, but most other sites work with it.

You're completely right. I guess I meant that I totally deserved his suspicions.

Sometimes it's not clear just how bad your relationship is until you experience something more normal. That can be a huge wake up call.

Similar story. Different man. Recent break up and the only reason he didn't trash the apt is I broke up with him in public and literally ran to my car, leaving him stranded in another city at least 30 mins away from our apt. Police were called and as my name alone was on the lease, he had to go. I had enough time to