I mean, don’t get me started on the absolutely bangin’ soundtrack during that whole chase
I mean, don’t get me started on the absolutely bangin’ soundtrack during that whole chase
It really wouldn’t. Somebody in the comments on Giz suggested it could be made as a limites series, Ken Burns documentary format, and I think it could work out great.
ooff, that sounds rough. Will pass the tip along, thanks
all of those considerations are worked into said mirror pep talks.
Sis is a newly minted lawyer, so I’m watching the mirror pep-talk in real time
Yes, I wouldn’t want to be on her shoes, going to bat for that company when they’re so clearly in the wrong and then mutter to myself in front of the mirror every morning “I’m not a bad person”
What was that song again?
I... pre-bought that one too, nearly a year in advance....
I... caved in and bought it. I hate to miss on an enjoyable trip down memory lane because of the actions of a bunch of assholes half a continent away.
Holy shit, they still really don’t get it. That old video of a fan at Blizzcon was asking for MORE options when representing the female body, not erasing the existing ones in game
I mean, that is what I generally do after leaving a job, shit all over my previous employer in discrete conversation
I have no previous experience with the game, so “WHOA, CONE BOOBS” was pretty much my exact reaction when seeing the header image
“let’s do 5% bigger cone tits” is still a choice that betrays some thougth on the matter lol
Same, I went back and double checked, and while the boob horns are there, the magnitude of them in the game is certainly... a choice
I got hooked on it right away. The idea that this very silly trauma between 2 men 20 years ago is absolutely tearing up the local teen scene is very entertaining to me. Especially becasue every single other adult on the show is like: “karate? really?”
I know better now than to dismiss a potential tv show based on it’s source of inspiration, after binging Cobra Kai.
Welcome! Glad to have more POC’s views up in here
The only reference you have of how gods looked is whatever the artist pulled out of their ass at the moment. Which is the same thing being done here.
Talking about the Athena from Hades, btw
My bad for taking a small note from a completely unrelated article and running with it, I guess :(