
Can’t let this go:

One more tip that should be added: Always try to get the chaos boons, it has the chance to add a flat damage boost percentage to your abilities that adds up to your other boons

That would justify putting Paris though a siege, methinks

Yes. White Women NEVER live up to it

I gotta ask, since I’ve never owned any other console: These releases actively snub the Switch, or the hardware just isn’t up to the task?

so, another Shkreli? Looking forward to see him get fucked by the invisible hand of capitalism he so clearly worships

Yeah I’m sure each band member looved being collectively named “And the pussycats”

Seriously, just another cup would do wonders.

“Thank you for the powerful question”

Maybe that’s the thing that will make the cowards at Blizz value free speech over profits. If they are content to be bossed around by China’s arbitrary whims, it’s only fitting that said whims tank their profit margins there

I get that porting games is hard, even moreso in a 2-person studio, but this seems tailormade for the Switch


ooff I really hope it gets a Switch release

You mean you talked to every single nazi out there before making an opinion on them? I’m sure there must’ve been some good ones!

I dont see Mew anywhere in there

saw it for 27 bucks on Nintendo eshop.

That is a really encouraging fact. He has enough anticipation built up to simply not care about this stuff, and yet he’s allocating resources and getting the outsider perspectives needed to undo decades old fantasy tropes. That is how you move towards change

go die in a fire, you massive piece of shit. Stop embarrassing yourself by giving your worthless opinion on matters you know nothing about. Just die quickly

So her family being poor makes her correct? How about you stop making guesses about a country which you know NOTHING about, you massive clueless moron?

Yeah the kind of people who can afford to pack up and move to Canada are the kind of people here that are terrified of the lefties in their walled condos. Your wife is mistaken