Not even death stops her. Just Ask the McCain family
Not even death stops her. Just Ask the McCain family
I’m getting a terrible framerate for remastered AC III, even though Odyssey runs perfectly
Many do. I havent made the transition but I’m not opposed to it once it catches on
For the longest time I mistook her for Amanda Peet
For me, there have been few sensations as fulfilling as mastering the rope dart/ wingsuit flying combo in Just Cause 3.
Oh the ship has long ago sailed, that much is clear. Hopefully the next one doesn’t repeat the same mistakes
Why, WHY dont they let us fight against AI? I’m so tired of the endless waiting periods
Would you like you bank account ranked amongst others publicly?
My asshole roommate made me calculate the cubic footage my room was using in order to increase my rent. Not square footage, mind you, he earnestly said the volume of air I was using should factor into the rent increase
Again with the twisting. It’s not doing you any favors. I said that a Jewish based lobbying group with Israel’s interests at heart is spending money to shape US policy. That is not a good thing, and it’s not anti semitist to point that out.
You can twist my words as much as you want, thats is not at all what I said. People can play into racial stereotypes, and pointing that out isn’t racist.
Oh, so if a black person steals something from you, or a latino gang member shoots up your neighborhood, you can’t do shit about it because it’s “a racist trope”?
Get the fuck out of here with your disingenuous bullshit
There are white people from South America, ignoramus
Says the sadsack who claims knowledge with no backing up whatsoever. Just die quickly so the rest can move on
You are reaching Trump levels of self importance there, chump.
No, you deluded moron, all voices CAN be heard. Doesn’t mean they should. Yours is completely irrelevant
Awww, the little white baby doesn’t like it when people are “racist” by telling him his opinion isn’t valuable in every single topic.
Ok, that is a terrible render.
Yeah no, I dont know anyone who forcefully pushes a woman’s head down his crotch
While definitely not laughing