Again. (I know it’s late; I just assumed you left that part out. Loveumeanitkthxbye.)
Again. (I know it’s late; I just assumed you left that part out. Loveumeanitkthxbye.)
Birmingham swooping in for the save. I felt tears in my eyes when I saw it.
Birmingham, Ala., Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2017, 4:50 p.m. CST: A few minutes ago, I cast my ballot for Doug Jones to fill…
I would smother myself if I tried that.
There were cookies on the table but they would have involved a far more direct callout of cheetolini: something along the lines of “why the fuck you lyin” would have sufficed
But, then you’ve got to go to Applebee’s.
So memo to Orthodox Jew Ivanka:
That guy on the right is all of America.
It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.
Won’t someone rid me of this meddlesome priest?!
Banks insisted that he had never put his hands on his wife before, but wish he had assaulted her in this case, as she would still be alive, according to the WTVR.
That whole ad campaign was low key hilarious.
After the first or second dump, you really should have given your fiance the aisle seat.
I’ll share one.
She has a science room. And reads the MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering for funsies. She named her experiment after the Greek goddess (Titan) of fresh water.
Right? I don’t think I’ve ever been to a family cookout that had burgers. There are ribs, hot links, and whatever fish my Uncle caught when he went fishing that morning.
“Wiley in particular is an interesting choice. He’s not shy about putting his subjects (and himself) on stallions...” so I’m thinking along these lines:
Remember how we all thought 2016 was the shit year?