Trofim Lysenko

Thats the point.

I’ll just leave this here

You’d be pleased to learn that the KPRF, the modern successor to the CCCP is the 2nd largest party in Russia, and fiercely opposes mandatory vaccination and other authoritarian measures. Weird times for sure, but the sides are not at all what the mainstream media depicts.

FYI I wasn’t attempting to “sounds smart”.

Typical Mccarthyist thing to say

If you are denouncing the cultural revolution, you are already in alignment with the CPC.

Are you sure your opinion is your own?

There are programs already in place for employment retraining with pension, other welfare benefits.

Thanks for reinforcing my point with the rest of the facts.

Let’s not pretend video games are little more than a flashy escapist distraction with a capacity for gambling addiction in a nation where 70% of Chinese millennials own a home (not rented, not owned by a bank).

Defense of Intellectual Property only makes sense under a fallacious premise of prioritizing the speculative immaterial over the objective material.

Not all anime source work is compatible for adaptation. When they aren’t, it’s usually for one of two reasons.

Vaush has absolutely dropped hard r on numerous occasions. Wonder what his ban was for.

Hasan Piker is a lot of things but a Socialist isn’t one of them.

Some more ‘nuance’ at

Yes. Porn and ‘sex work’ are also shitty and exploitative self-perpetuating institutions. You might understand more than you give yourself credit for.

ICD11, very much based on the idea that defining something that does not cause any harm

Pedophilia is not an orientation. Children is not a gender. The urge to molest children is not equivalent to any variation of consensual adult sexuality whatsoever. Pedophilia is an acquired toxic trait. The complete eradication of all pedophiles is the only way to prevent pedophilia, just as the eradication of other

Prostasia hides its true nature behind academic social justice and libetarian free speech rhetoric. It is an in indistinguishable from an Epstein NGO with decentralized Ghilsanes or a present day NAMBLA with a worrying amount of online traction.