Fred Dunsaas

Scene that disproves your point: He feels bad after forcing the black cop to have a second job.

No discussion of who put up the "Sometimes I go about in pity for myself" note? Fine. Who put that note there?

I always thought "the fleshy part of the thigh" was an euphemism for "ass". Where was he supposed to shoot him?

In case someone other than me reads this in 2015… who the hell was that fat guy that was a "nurse" to his mom, and nursed Tony as well? I had never seen him until this episode. At least his hothead driver got a bit of introduction.

Sorry, where is this scene? I just skipped through this episode again and I can't find anything remotely similar.

But the premise for that episode was "his gambling's getting worse", which really came out of nowhere. I know where you're getting at, but I thought it was ham-fisted in anyways.

I find it funny that Meadow bumps up her "mafia lingo" in season 5/6. "Breaking my balls" she says at least twice. And where would she get that from? She doesn't exactly hang around with Tony and that.

Ooh, sure sounds like it when I think about it.

You press reply on da reply. Yo.

Yeah, why isn't this mentioned anywhere until now? Lol. That sounded like a threat to me.

And it foreshadows Chris eating Tony B. I remember cringing through that scene.

Wow, okay, I haven't read everything there is to read about Sopranos, but I've never come across this theory before that he might be arrested by the feds at the end. xD
And I agree with you that it ultimately doesn't matter.

Ohh, that's where I'd seen him before!

The doctor is so weird. "Sort of a MOON face." The way she delivers it and describes in detail how ugly your face can become. It's one of the things I remember best from the series. I wonder if the doctor was written this awkward on purpose.

Old but…
There's an obvious dub going on when Tony talks to Carmela by the pool (from the worm's eye view), as if he wants to throw her in. He says something like "I thought we were getting along better" clenched, but his mouth moves completely differently. I guess it's a cut from a longer argument.

– I'll take an egg. You want an egg? Bobby, make my nephew an egg.
– Don't want an egg!

Bitter-sweet moment, that.

He missed England or something or had a job in England or something to that effect.

"The Fly" - Breaking Bad. What shit

The religiousness and spiritual yearnings of this reviewer ruins The Soprano reviews for me. Yes, Tony might imagine seeing Pussy. No, that doesn't mean ghosts exist.