
It’s because jezebel and it’s sisters sites refuse to have editors. Or at least good ones. It drives me CRAZY. I was reading this review, thinking it sounded like a good movie (I love Cody’s movies) and all of a sudden there was the plot twist. Like...WTF!

Jezebel, where it’s the fault of white people that Azalea Banks is an asshole to anyone more famous than her.

Because it finished filming before any of this came out and netflix neither has access to a time machine, nor is willing to recast 2 highly important roles after the fact. Especially considering that it would require reshooting half the series.

OK, but this is a plotline straight out of Orange is the New Black, right?

Yes, lets make sure to ruin the life of the woman who DIDN’T assault anyone but was affiliated with the guy who was (and has yet to be held accountable for his actions).

I have handed out close to 5 million OtterPops and have never, in ten years, even noticed that there are characters on the boxes.

It’s all exhausting, but I choose to focus on the elements that have the best potential for POSITIVE influence on her audience—since, whether we like it or not, she still has a huge one, largely made up of young girls (album sales don’t lie). And for me, that Grammy 2016 speech was for them—and those girls don’t care

Kanye wouldn’t shut up about it for years. He launched the narrative in the first place, went on TV show after TV show talking about it (she mentioned it once on TV, if at all). They all grew up—she even introduced him at the VMAs seven years later. Then he had to put his giant foot in his mouth again with “Famous.”

I dunno, I still feel bad for Taylor. I’ve felt bad for her since he jumped onstage to interrupt her acceptance speech, and I think she was blindsided by the music video. I think recording someone’s phone-calls is really shitty.

Pic with a dog: hawt

The Kardashian-Jenner man-picker is collectively broken, and they seem to only be with garbage humans and egomaniacs. Of COURSE Kylie wouldn’t sleep with Tim Chung—he’s an attractive professional man with no hugely messy and very public back story.

Trump’s going to start a war because that black guy who was president is still more popular than he is and he can’t stand it. Thank god we didn’t go with that dangerous email lady.

I’m living my best life by avoiding burpees altogether. I’ll keep my total at zero.

He didn’t kill Rose because she was liking it! Because him becoming a murderer was another way she would win. So he decides to stop right before we hear the sirens.

I thought Chris didn’t kill Rose at the end because the original ending was the police showing up and Rose saying that Chris murdered everybody...

Yeah. Like...there’s a lot to be written about this video, and the commodification of black suffering to release a music video you’ll make money off of, and what this video is trying to say and what it isn’t trying to say. But saying that Glover can’t say anything about black experiences because he has a white wife?

I think that it’s something that should be judged on a case by case basis. Because there are people who date or marry outside their race for really shitty and often racist reasons. But there are others who just happened to find the person that they find their ideal partner who just happened to be not the same race as

Hmm. The entire bottom of the pants looks like a Photoshop gone so, so wrong.

These are just so boring. Lily Collins was the only one who is really on theme and actually did something with it. Everyone else should go home, head hung in shame, and recite 100 Hail Marys.

What has happened to Olivia Munn’s face??