
Chainsmokers dude deserves all the misery for inflicting “Something Just Like This” upon the world. All of it!

I don’t think that’s true.

Is it even possible to be *low-key* tense?

Selena Gomez was on Barney!

Tyrannosaurus Sex

I’m not sure what you are reaching for here...

You’re absolutely right. It was definitely uncomfortable. And, yeah, she asked it in a dumb, gotcha way. And she later tried to bring up how she was an aerobics instructor for 10 years — to tie into Fonda’s aerobics, I guess? The interview went south. Which is okay if you’re just starting out on the local news — but

I’d be fine with her saying that she feels like Fonda isn’t an example of being comfortable with the aging process or something. But she’s just pulling everything she ever did out for a character assassination rather than making a specific point.

Seriously. What an absolute bitch she’s being. Also, if we’re being real, maybe Megyn should lead by example and talk about what she’s had done b/c most ~50 year olds don’t look like her with no work, either.

“By the way, she still says she is not proud of America.”

None of the people I’ve ever heard call Jane Fonda “Hanoi Jane” were veterans.

Jane Fonda has been called worse things by better people than Megyn Kelly.

based on the absurd videos you watched above - YES. If you took a look at the entire play - NO, not at all. Remember, that Jack picked up and threw Dola after the TD (with no penalty) and the refs were trying to keep the peace. That ref that was laughing was doing so because he initially thought the Pats player was

Goddammit, don’t you ruin my bitterness with your well presented and perfectly rational demonstration of what really happened there. My bitterness is all I’ve got right now. And for the record, if I hold my hands over the screen in a certain way the ref is still clearly celebrating with the Pats as far as I can see.

But then how could he support his conspiracy theory?!

Say what you want about bad calls, but seriously with the ref “celebrating”? You could post the whole video where clearly he’s laughing while telling players to calm down and not start a fight.

This is one hell of an article. ‘I’m not saying this game was fixed, I’m simply going to present one-sided evidence to indicate that it was for the team I’m constantly slamming.’

I too have been a long time reader, but silent on the lines, but after reading your post i decided to jump in. Takes guts to admit what you posted and I can appreciate, and relate, to your your experience, alcohol was my thing.

So, your question is what the narrative would be as the result of imaginary games?