
We all have our things, and the brain has a really great way of justifying everything we do if we want it to, so it’s very hard for a lot of people to say exactly what you just did. Good for you. Keep up the positive thinking (which can be hard sometimes I know) and I wish you the best of luck!

I agree. I think we can at least back her up as a woman and not make it all “cutsey” that her life and her family’s life has been threatened multiple times by different men.

How about there shouldn’t even be a single one?

I agree with you. A little background....My husband is a cyclist, he’s done the RAAM (Race Across America) twice and many other larger races.

I’m sure no one disagrees there, that’s very much an issue.

Absolutely. Men are certainly asked about it all the time.....maybe females might be scrutinized more for it, but that was a super stretch to say that men are rarely asked. My first thought was “I’m sure Christian Bale would disagree”’s practically the first thing he’s asked in any interview, lol.

It’s certainly something difficult she did to get into the role, so I think it’s fine to ask about it....I don’t know if it’s asked more of women than men—it’s certainly scrutinized more when women do it—but I’ve heard the question asked of any actor who gains or loses a large amount of weight for a role.


Now playing

YES! (the soundtrack was great...New Jack Swing)....and Snipes and Woody were in the video too:

The title refers to the fact that Woody Harrelson plays a ringer. And also he’s white and can’t dunk for shit. That’s really about as analytical as you need to be about this.

Sometimes I entertain myself by thinking about someone like my 94 year old grandmother, who basically sits and reads mystery novels and watches PBS, watching this video and wondering if she’s watching something from another planet.

Not old at all....what 9 year old and/or 15 year old is allowed to be involved in this? It’s entertaining, but I think everyone but those directly involved can see where these kids are headed. These parents just see dollar signs and are exploiting their kids.

I honestly can’t believe these children/18 year old exist and are allowed to act this way. And get away with it. And get paid for it.


Why are you assuming the baby won’t know and BJ is being a dick?

RE some of the comments: Can we not just say she’s a badass female who did an outstanding job and saved lives without ripping apart Sully? Or putting down one accomplishment over the other? They both were amazing under pressure, they both saved lives. They both deserve praise for what they did. Regardless of what was

But is it really? Both destroy your self-worth. Both leave you feeling miserable about yourself. Neither should be tolerated.

I mean it all sucks, terribly. I got called names. I got put in the middle of a circle at recess and had things thrown at me too. Both sucked, both affected me.

LOL I was thinking the same, I thought it was an interesting question too.