
I taught pre-school for 10 years, so I saw a lot of this too! I saw a lot of negative but I saw some postitive too. One of the best was this boy Chris, he wanted nothing to do with anything the other boys were doing. He wanted to dress up, play with the dolls, etc....everything that “girls” do. His parents were 100%

To me, the issue is that it’s not traumatizing to be called a boy or a girl. The issue is when, as a young child, a girl wants to to something and you say, “No that’s for boys” or a boy wants to do something and you go, “That’s a girl thing!”

I agree with you. I loved seeing them up there. Annabella especially. It was a great moment, and I truly thought I would come here and read about how wonderful it was, how strong the women were, etc. And then this was like a wet blanket.

While yes, the rational person in my thinks people should lay off a new mom.....I have had a couple drinks and I’m a little grumpy so.....

How did you get a pic of what my living room used to look like?

This was the first phone I ever bought myself.

No worries. :)

Not really, because people regardless are calling asking for help. You naturally, regardless of age or gender, have to see how much they know or don’t know before helping them fix the problem.

“It’s easy to say that now but I seriously doubt her views would be the way they are now if the shooting had not happened. I’m seeing a lot of folks having a change of heart in their gun stance now that tragedy has landed on their doorsteps and their representatives are not being responsive to their demands.

Wait, are you in all seriousness dragging a teenager who just survived a mass school shooting, who saw her classmates shot in the head in front of her, for not speaking up prior? WTF kind of logic is this? Why, in any realm of reason, should a child have a public stance on gun control that you should know about?

You are saying these teenagers should have a stronger stance prior to seeing their classmates shot to death in front of them during science class? They had barely lived a life before this happened to them.

“P.S. While we understand that all of the victims and the activists werent exclusively white, we all know why the country is listening.”

Yes to all of this!

I agree.....I think it’s just finding reasons to hate the guy, especially constantly bring up the Stern interview from 15 years ago.

I love Jackie Brown. Pam Grier is a treasure.

I have an account that I linked with my IG a few years ago, and I’ll randomly go on it when something newsworthy happens. Recently I went on it more often because of how hardcore people were freaking out over the snapchat update (which is completely terrible, and it’s been fascinating to watch it implode, lol but a

LOL yes I can see how that can be tiresome. :)

A couple years ago I was asked by some friends who had an extra 4th row ticket that I didn’t have to pay for to go see Bon Jovi. I have always been meh about them, but I had nothing to do so I went. And HOLY HELL did I have a good time. I did not expect to scream so joyously along to every freaking song. Then energy

I agree....I watched the premier and it was terrible.....almost unwatchable.

As horrifically Trumpian as he handled it, I do think Parkland affected him. This is where Trump’s ego and narcissism can be a positive. For the most part he just speaks to hear the clapping by his lap dogs, but on the things he really wants to talk about, he just blabs and doesn’t care and thinks because he’s king of