Look in the mirror. People like you are a GODDAMN PROBLEM.
Look in the mirror. People like you are a GODDAMN PROBLEM.
They have great discussions too. I love when he talks to other comics about their style, and how they approach their comedy.
It’s actually a good show. Some of the conversations they have on the show are fascinating. You should give it a chance.
Exactly. I think out of all the fast food chains out there, McDonald’s deserves some credit. I feel like they have done the most to push healthier items and/or choices and change their menu. There are days where I am running from one school to the other, one after school to the other and the only thing in-between…
But by all means Congress, continue the fight to make those Tide Pods less tasty!
You realize it’s a play on “Keep Calm and Carry On” right?
I know, it’s does seem odd, you would think that if she was truly bothered by it, she wouldn’t initiate another conversation like that a couple months later. I feel like something was deleted there.
I do agree, that’s why I said I usually wait until it’s brought up. Believe me, on a much smaller scale I somewhat understand....when I lived in CA my Boston accent stood out like a sort thumb. I got questioned about it all the time and made fun of a lot.
Honestly, when I lived in Silicon Valley, I worked with people from all over the world, and I personally love hearing about where people are from if they aren’t from the US. I hadn’t ever traveled outside the USA at that point, and I learned a lot at a young age about the world outside the US. I didn’t quiz people and…
I can see this for movies, I guess, but in the real world what on earth are you doing that requires this? How does it stay on? If you are this concerned about lines or underwear showing, just go commando, right?
Absolutely. Sherald’s work is beautiful, but here I agree, there is something off in general. It’s fine, but it didn’t capture Michelle’s face well enough.
I know.
I do like them both very much but I agree, the face doesn’t look like Michelle at all. He did a wonderful job on B.O.’s though.
I tend to agree here. I think she’s more disgusted by Quincy Jones and her stepmother talking about everyone her dad was having sex with, more so than the fact that he was bi.
I tend to agree here. I think she’s more disgusted by Quincy Jones and her stepmother talking about everyone her dad was having sex with, more so than the fact that he was bi.
I seriously still can’t wrap my head around the fact that we have a White House that defends Nazi’s, sexual assault, domestic violence, completely ignores school shootings, and could care less about communities-within our own country even-devastated by hurricanes. These things are quite literally the most rational and…
I feel bad for anyone who thinks he’s even remotely sexy for being an abusive, controlling, asshat, because it’s not how it really works.
You seem to be doing it just fine thanks.
Sigh. I know I shouldn’t respond to you, but I can’t help it. And you are making me go all religious and I try to stay away from it all. Damn it.