
But the fact that it IS happening tells us the extent of Drumpf et al.’s contempt for anyone who’s not a WASP-y guy. Can’t be bothered to prep for a speech that pertains to (ugh) Black History Month. Can’t be bothered to mention the Jews on (snicker) Holocaust Memorial Day.

“It’s just one more reminder of how much our system has always depended on the good intentions of politicians.” ............... And another indication of the yooge destruction wrought by the GOP in the past 30 years; it’s terrifying that more than 62 million persons voted for him. People we could and should be living

Please do NOT let him off the hook by suggesting that a serious medical condition is responsible for his ignorant, narcissistic, hate-filled ramblings. He’s an assclown, not an ill person who needs care and should be given some slack. (I’m the live-in help for a 95-y-o relative with mild-to-almost-moderate dementia,

I wonder whether the strategy is to inflame us so much that we riot, at which point he turns the US into a police state and the US is basically 1933 Germany. Or 1938... In July, Rachel Maddow said: “Over the past year I’ve been reading a lot about what it was like when Hitler first became chancellor. I am gravitating

Imagine the transcripts if Palin were part of his admin ...

Fwiw, it wasn’t required when I was in high school in the late 70s, and I live in a progressive state. Sadly a sign of those times (change had started, but...) That said, I frikkin knew who he was.

“couldn’t name every prime minister” — And I can’t name every American president. But most national leaders (not just in Canada, but everywhere) are nowhere near as noteworthy as was Frederick Douglass. It’s comparable to not knowing who Gandhi was; there is zero excuse for any American not to know of Douglass — not

< that it likely wasn’t spelled “Chrispus,” as the poster wrote, but indeed “Crispus” > — Just in case: You got that the poster was punning on “attacks on Christmas”?

If you like documentaries, this link will give you titles of several recommended by PBS; then you can search yt for them (lots of docus end up on yt).

The American Revolution isn’t local history — it’s American history. National history.

And yet, it’s so *telling*. Not that it will ever reflect badly on him with his base, because they’re just as bigoted as he — but at some level, I find it deeply satisfying to have another piece of incontrovertible evidence regarding his contempt for most people. (Didn’t need more proof of his radical ignorance; we’ve

We should be so lucky. I give him a solid 2nd-grade status, maybe 4th on a day when he ate some fish.

First I tried ostriching — I didn’t watch, listen to, or read any news from the wee hours of Nov. 9, 2016, until late Jan. 2017. (I’m a live-in helper for someone, so I could avoid most contact with the outside world.) But that was a kinda crazy approach, so now I’ve come up with a much better one:

“He has no idea what he is doing.” — Yes and no. I agree with you that they’re all spectacularly unqualified — but I also think that’s what he wants. He wants to dismantle the EPA and public education and any move toward equal rights for women, and he has called on strong bozos who can do it. (For ex., DeVos is a

I am WAY into your being a driver/mechanic back then...

Gd knows I believe you. Coupla weeks ago, I came across a memo I wrote (but never sent) in 1999, when I was temping for an engineering firm in the suburbs of large East Coast city; one of the middle-aged men who worked there made a lot of comments — in a perfectly cordial, matter-of-fact way — about women’s