
Robert Crumb definitely had the right idea.

Didn't Entertainment Tonight start reporting box-office estimates around '83-'84 and that's what got the ball rolling on weekend intake?

You mean movies lie to me?!?

He was a wiiiiiiner,
That became the dog's diiiiiiiiner.
What else can I say?
Oooooooh, poor Ramsay.

"Something else by Verdi."

Ok. I can see that. I guess I'll rewatch it again to compare to what you said. Last time I saw it was 12 years ago…

I didn't know him personally or interacted with him on these boards, but I always enjoyed his comments about any topic in general. Also, I loved his avatar, made me think we had the same taste in comedy and are probably the same age.
Prayers and blessings to his family and friends.
He will be remembered.

I only remember the basketball sequence as being kinda goofy, but not much else. Don't remember the CGI being bad and I have no problem with Ripley Clone/DNA splicing storyline. Wasn't the Corporation trying to get the Aliens to Earth to do exactly that in the first place?

What?!? So sorry to hear this. Prayers to his family and friends.

Alien Resurrection. I liked it. The visual look and actors from Jeunet other films and Ripley vs. the Alien Queen. What's not to like? The whole point of the movie is that mothers, with their natural protective instinct will do anything (including murder) to protect their own children. I find that a fascinating

Cute French girls getting slimed?…I'll be in my bunk.

Ruth knew what he was doing.

Thank you Franko, I had a great time playing. First time for me and I come in 38th out of 97 participants? I'll take it. I look forward to the next round and your TV show reviews, of course.

First movie I ever rented on VHS back in 1980 and can practically recite it verbatim over the number of times I've seen it.
Just perfect in its small budget simplicity.

You got it, I would like that. It'll be a pleasure meeting a fellow AV Clubber. See you soon.

I live in Sunset Park, a few blocks away from a famous Irish dive bar and a 10 minute walk from 3 Jolly Pigeons where friends and I host Art shows and karaoke nights there once in a while. Let me know when you're gonna visit the place and let's do a meet-up.

Couldn't this person photoshop Constance Wu into a Sailor Moon poster? Please?

Led Zeppelin
Bruce Springsteen

One of the finest cartoonists and draftsman to ever create a comic. The 5 minutes I had with him talking about the horrors of advertising during a Parker: The Score book signing was a highlight I'll never forget. R.I.P. Mr. Cooke.

"They are who we thought they were!" —Dennis Green