reminds me of one of my favorite, all too true onion articles:…
reminds me of one of my favorite, all too true onion articles:…
And why is Great Job, Internet! consistently the worst feature on this site?
Why would he want to kill you in public?
I think he meant he threatened in public to kill her.
The end of this episode is the midpoint of the series.
The fact that a few people didn't necessarily read the scene that way suggests the direction then was at fault here. I'm not debating that it isn't rape, your reasoning is perfectly valid, the basic facts you say certainly happened, but the difference lies in how it's portrayed on screen, and there are numerous other…
I just caught up with this ridiculous and entertaining show. I didn't trust my friend's recommendation initially, and those first two episodes especially felt an awful lot like Lost Babies, but I was sold on it when Wells was killed off, the first but not last time the show surprised me with bold decisions. I went…
Oh boy, I'll try to step into this as carefully as possible. I understand what you mean by saying it didn't play like a rape scene. All of the visual and aural cues for the scene, the soft lighting and the editing did play it as kinky fun. To me it seemed like this was the directorial intent, rather than suggesting a…
Sure, but it's a relatively minor one many many teenagers have committed. Putting "her criminal past" in a headline is clearly meant to sensationalize, suggesting something much more exciting than the mundane crime she actually committed. Saying "her criminal past" suggests something different than "and that time she…
And her criminal past? So much clickbait on this site these days. Not that this isn't a charming interview but come on.
Oh, of course, I could see how that would be confusing.
Um, Ian McShane did not appear in Rogue Nation…
Fargo and Hannibal have a cinematic sheen that greatly adds to the tone and feel of those shows that this sorely lacked. It feels rushed to me, so earnest to set up it's plots and become episodic, regularish tv. Definitely could have used more mood setting, which after all is essential to the film.That said, I'm in…
That's a straw man argument. My opinion of this episode has nothing to do with it. As I pointed out above, what I'm saying is that these grand proclamations about how much the show sucks at this point in time have been made over and over and over and over and over and over and over since the beginning, so forgive me…
You're misconstruing my post, but it was concise so perhaps I need to explain more. I am not at all saying that because I disagree with the review, the argument is invalid. My opinion of the episode has little to do with my overall point. I agree with you that he makes valid specific points about the episode.
But this…
No, it's not like saying that. People have been making this argument with pretty much the same criticisms since the days we now think of as the golden age, and especially for the episodes like this one that stretch the elastic universe more than the show generally does. Comic Book Guy's catchphrase isn't "Worst…
Eh, this review is just an updated version of what people have been writing on since season 2.
I thought the episode was fine. Not all of it worked but it amused me enough. But then I'm one of the very few people who liked That 90s Show.
Honey, that dead ex girlfriend I'm not hung up on, how about we name our baby daughter after her?
"or what it brought that is new, necessary, or even interesting to the old story" THIS. At first when the show started, I thought they were getting the Bruce origin story out of the way early since we've all seen it done plenty of times before, and pretty much the same way even if the little details changed. It was…
It really bugs me that Barbara is model hot and the Gordons live in a penthouse. Isn't he a rookie cop? Is Barbara rich? And why is Jim Gordon so terrible at his job? I don't mean his expected rookie mistakes, but what kind of cop puts the burden of doing his job correctly on a grieving little kid?
I thought this was…
No, you're thinking of a Simpson's episode. And it wasn't an episode, it was a movie.