
I highly recommend the audio book of Cloud Atlas. Each story has a distinct voice and it is a pleasure to listen to as they get the different rhythms of the characters and their distinct languages down. It might be the best audio book I have ever listened to.

Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch however was entirely true.

says Zack Handlen as he cocks his shotgun.

Rick Nolte?
Sounds like the Joe Estevez of the Nolte family.

the oily Stevens?
is it Fisher?

what? All I get is Jack in the Box, one of the worst of the fast food chains around here.

Adriana's arc really plays like a greek tragedy upon rewatch. It seems so fated, with all the little things that need to happen playing out just as they do in order for Ade to be snared in this unfortunate trap.
It's a slow burn but that just makes Long Term Parking all the more heartbreaking.

This actually isn't far from the truth what with all The Office, Community and 30 Rock porn parodies.

So it's called
New Kids on the Backstreet Boys? sounds a bit gay.

I like the idea behind A Very Special Episode, and I get that this is all about Noel's experience with television, but I wish it didn't skew so jheavily toward shows that were before my time. My only exposure to Eight is Enough is a Family Guy reference! For the record, I'm 26.
Anyway there is obviously no

NBC turned into a hardcore porn channel so gradually that I hardly even noticed

Yeah, the glut of comicbook movies this summer is a depressing industry trend. We don't need multiple basically concurrent versions of the same shit.

That's crazy talk. Isabella is a fantastic episode.

I don't think it's unreasonable for Tony to know the distinction. He watches a lot of History Channel. He was bound to catch one of those Nostradamus specials at some point.

I'm with Zack. Chase clearly maintained his vision for the show until the very last scene of the series, and he seems like the last showrunner I'd expect to kowtow to network demands. This is a guy who subverted expectations and made unpopular decisions at every turn. Of the last episode, he said, "I have no interest

I think you're probably right, but what always gets me about that scene is the way Christopher accepts that Tony could have been lying to him about that guy being his father's killer.
"It doesn't matter. He wants you dead."

The intervention episode is this season if I'm not mistaken, which is by far my favorite Christopher episode on the show. "She must've crawled under there for warmth."

I had the poster for season 4 in college. (this one, which is different from the dvd cover:….
I remember it was around this time that people began to speculate with the promotional material what all the images meant because David Chase or someone said that there were clues there.

So it should be called
Monster Inc.