Geinoh-Yamashirogumi “Kaneda” from Akira:
Geinoh-Yamashirogumi “Kaneda” from Akira:
They sell out really fast... like in minutes. Yahoo Auction is your best bet after that.
Cos I live in Japan I can see her live! Twice a year, usually.
JAM were good but I prefer YUKI’s solo stuff.
Good song! I like the video for this one.
Guru-Guru! Chibi-Robo!(I’m guessing that’s Go-Go Chibi-Robo!)
Oh, I thought the jpg tag was a clever combination of J(apan) and jpg: Jpg.
Any more good cracks?
I remember playing OOT when it first came out. A secret was you could fall down a secret hole into a cave where you could hear the Mario Bros theme tune.
We probably weren't getting a new Zone of the Enders anyway.
For me the worst Scottish accent in recent memory was that hunting dwarf in Shadows of Mordor. It didn't ruin what was otherwise an excellent game, but it did break the immersion in the game world.
Twin Peaks: The Game.
Hmm. Maybe the cola-powered Franky could add this to his arsenal.
While Peter Molyneux did indeed once make good games, Synidicate is not one of them: it was designed by Sean Cooper. Molyneux just produced it at Bullfrog.
"S.T.A.R.S. is split into two teams: Alpha and Bravo. Alpha's lead by Albert Wesker, and Bravo's lead by Enrico Marini. It's Marini who reveals there's a traitor in the mix, though he's immediately killed. Later, Albert's revealed to be the puppet master orchestrating the disaster.
This game already exists: it's called Bullet Girls, for PS Vita.
Same here. Bought it on Saturday: was sad. But then on Sunday a dropped legendary engram gave me Gjallarhorn. Go figure.
Question: will the games that use the new buttons be playable on an Old 3DS with a circle pad?