
Maybe now I can finally get the achievement for 100 kills on xbox live deathmatch. No one plays it online since the removal!

I remember loving this on the Amiga.

In Japan, national pride is taken very seriously. Things or people that raise the national image to the rest of the world, are highly praised and respected (eg. the "Nadeshiko Japan" female soccer team). Things that lower the image of Japan to the rest of the world, are things to be ashamed of. The guy in the article

It looks like Sony have officially denied the rumours; games must have the remote play function specially encoded into them.

It looks like the "will play all ps3 games" rumor started with Eurogamer.

I'll be playing Uncharted on my shiny new PS Vita.

1) How do I change the size of the GBA game screen size? Minish Cap seems to take up on 2/3 of the screen. I'm guessing that that is the native GBA resolution, but can it be expanded to full screen? I think the NES games did it by holding a button during loading the game, but I forget.


Yeah they do. They have miniture versions of all the sony and Nintendo consoles and handhelds in capsule machines.

I just remembered that the Minish Cap was developed by Capcom, so maybe it won't be a Nintendo freebee. But if they did offer non-Nintendo games then I guess the FF advance games would be pretty high on my wish list.

Some more info about the GBA games would be nice.

Are these beautiful creatures what I fed to my budgie as a child?

They should invent a sport called "Hyper-bowl" just so Reggie can become the king of it.

I would do lots of sick, perverted things to Kojima. What a body!

I'm not sure what they would do in the sequel. Wasn't everything wrapped up nicely in one film?

Poor guy.

[To see the larger pics in all their glory (or so you can save them as wallpaper), right-click on the "expand" icon on the main image above and select "open in new tab".]

Delete the "/gallery/1" part at the end of the url, then you can see all the pics without having to expand them.

Everytime I see DotA2 mentioned I misread it as DotT2. Then get disappointed when I realise that a Day of the Tentacle sequel hasn't been announced.

Will the HD version of MGS 3 be an update of Snake Eater or of Subsistence? That is to say, will it have the updated camera controls?