NEBcruiser Did your school not do drivers ed? Because wrecking your car three times while still in high school is saying something.
NEBcruiser Did your school not do drivers ed? Because wrecking your car three times while still in high school is saying something.
Dude, that was Speed 2: Cruise Control. Don’t worry I try to scrub it from my brain too.
Yep the canal is already full of giant ass boats, get tow of them, get a crap tonne of snatch ropes, firmly secure them to either end, DON’T use the ball hitch for this, and give it a running tug to torque the Ever Given straight.
Just by adding struts to the top corners would make it massively more stable.
How in the hell are those fukin Boadicea wheels road legal?
This is like one of those fancy wine bottle openers.
And still no swappable batteries.
Yours if they can ever get it to work
Yeah Autopilot is just shockingly dangerous but a security threat might be taking it a bit too far.
The fastest engine swap ever was done in 42 seconds.
Yup now I’m stuck with did he mean a pentalogy or did he mean five trilogies ie 15 instalments.
dudes face is too small for his head. also he’s a prick for gross profiteering
That’s the point my dude.
Yup first thing I noticed and thought that in true Jalop form the comments were going to be “yes chains are important, but we are going to be talking about the weird trike truck”.
This combined with the modular tread of retyre would be ideal.
I see the tangerine gumma more like one of those 80's movie douche frat bro sidekick’s that is too stupid to realise that a Nigerian prince isn’t really giving him $32,000,0000,000 and investing in his airline and steak company and all he has to do is send is social, bank details, passport and firstborn. Then boasts…
Whenever I see articles about the tax of fuel in the US I’m easily reminded why the infrastructure is so bollocks. Also why Americans tend to look a little shell shocked the first time they fill up in the UK, although a bit of that is also how much narrower the roads are.
My biggest oh crap moments were both with farm equipment mainly because cars are required by law to be roadworthy. Farm stuff like cars in Arkansas can be death traps.