Lot of innocents driving T-72s these days..
Lot of innocents driving T-72s these days..
Alcohol is like $7 at my regional fair :/
Well, let me clarify. What is budget about this vs. some other way to do hyperlapse? Are there crazy expensive ways they used to do it in the House of Cards intro? (Actually interested, not being snarky.)
Nice vid, but what's budget about that setup? That was a nice dslr and a decent monopod.
oh, thanks man. I didn't know they'd all be available at launch with in-game money. You seem to know what you're talking about, so tell me - Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen?
I just.. can't get into this game. I want to, badly. But I don't understand the pricing. Are they seriously charging $40 for one ship, and if you want to get one of these ships with a rover and shit, it's upwards of $200-$400?
"We decided to make basic, expected features available as DLC. This way we get to charge you twice." -EA
Wow. I only have 200.
>Worth more more than your precious NFL teams combined...
He rubs me the wrong way. Can't put my finger on it.
I hope T-mo doesn't sell. They are the least shitty of the big 4, especially with respect to android. Buying a new phone? It's probably unlocked/rooted on t-mo, and locked down like supermax on any of the others.
If unwritten rules were rules, they'd be rules.
That's mainstream comic universe. This is marvel cinematic universe.
The A10 is my favorite plane by far. We used to see them all the time flying over western mass from Barnes.
Yeah, and what happened after doom? He wastes a bunch of money on one of the worst games of all time. I wouldn't exactly be taking business tips from him.
Could be worse. Could be yahoo. Or microsoft. Or facebook. Or comcast. Actually, google is exactly who I want buying twitch. The only better option I can think of is Valve.
After four episodes, one of which I actually liked, I decided to spoil myself and read the wiki for the book to see if watching the rest of this will be worth it. It won't be.
That was red matter, which makes black holes. Shit, don't you know anything?
As journalists, you need to write opinion pieces based on facts and not assumptions. It's sorta okay when you're writing pieces about a video game - but it's not okay when you're writing about if someone committed a serious crime that could damage their reputation in a permanent way.
well, I was trying to make a template for commenters, not give marvel advice