
Great episode! The answer to the "who cares" questions is I do. And so do a lot of other people. If you aren't interested, if your attention is down, and if you aren't engaged with what the show is, stop watching. I'd give anything for AVC to hand this off to someone who is actually willing to engage with what the

What if Annalise isn't actually pregnant in that flashback? I get the impression she and Eve played Wes' mother in some sense for their own gain. So would it be crazy to think she's lying about being pregnant here just to play on this woman's sympathies and get in her good graces in order to get what she wants in the

I do indeed remember that moment. And I too thought it was extreme, but I thought it was a reflection of the darkness or the overbearing anger in Eric way more so than a reflection on their relationship.

While I can't agree with the "every single social problem" statement (I mean rape culture, class differences, homophobia, and double standards in rape reporting between men and women are all big enough topics to have their own seasons about), I tend to agree about the handling of extra characters.

That's my ultimate point. The show's been nuanced and multi-sided on every issue except this one. The principal is the only person in this situation who's in the "right," and them making that distinction, or making this story that cut and dry, makes it feel like an afterthought to me.

I wouldn't use the word surprising so much as disappointing. If his view of his big brother was totally down to a fabrication on his part, one that Eric certainly encouraged in his own way, then maybe the truth hurts. But I don't think that that has to mean that their relationship was such that the truth would lead to

I agree with you, I don't know how much I think this is a bad thing though? I think that life is morally gray instead of being black and white. So it makes a level of sense to me that they've made themselves up to be the kind of story where everyone (almost) gets at least a bit of sympathy.

The thing is, I thought they did have a great relationship before all this happened. I think the first scene we had of them featured the brother talking about how much he wanted to go to school with Eric. Granted he was talking about how hot the girls were, but still. I got the impression that he wanted to spend more

With you 100% on this point. I too was yelling at my TV for him to sit back down and have it out.

I don't think these things are innately mutually exclusive. I think you could point out that she's being a bit selfish, maybe trying to prove she's a good parent, or at least earn back some karma for a past lapse, and she's doing what she thinks is best for her son. Sometimes what a parent thinks is best is honestly

I do think it's more complicated than that. Partially because of the Taylor is a minor issues others have pointed out, and partially because there's so much we still don't know about the night in question.

I think that's a good point I hadn't thought of. I think they could ram that home better by showing more ways in which Taylor is honestly falling by the wayside at school. We get so little of him there that its hard to tell, and I thought his therapy was taking place at the school, but I was obviously wrong about that.

I thought that guy was a superior of hers given the way he talked to her. I didn't know he was just a parent.

Idk about all that. The thing about this story to me is that the protesters actually don't have a leg to stand on. The black kid was being racist, and that's horrible and had he been caught at it, he would have and should have been punished. But he wasn't. The kids who beat him up could have come forward and told

I'm interested that people are impressed by the cyber dad story. I didn't recognize anyone involved in that story, so it felt like the show adding in new characters and new stories at a point where it doesn't need it. I think they should be gearing up to bring some of these stories to an end, or a peak, so that makes

I'm with you on this point. I want to believe the show has a bigger plan in mind seeing as how they've done so much so well this season, but I'm not sure anymore. There are times when the families collide (I'm thinking of Kevin's Taylor's mom scene in this episode, even though that didn't last long enough to really

The hardest part that I think so many people don't understand (honestly I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it) is just how much the people using those words don't even know what they're saying. The part when Taylor asked him if he even remembered that game and he had to admit he didn't just totally resonated

I agree that she's been amazing so far, but that's why this episode was so weird to me. I don't understand how she could have misread the situation with Eric so strongly. When she was talking to him about sitting down with the writer, his body language and expression couldn't have been clearer that this was a bad

I think the show likes leaving certain moments more internal than external. Sometimes it works, as with Eric's silent trip to the rec center to practice. Sometimes it doesn't, as with the figure painting.

In my experience, homophobia and misogyny go hand in hand. It's rarer to find them separate than together. And to your main point, Kevin is actually the only kid in the mix that I have zero sympathy for.